Good-Bye, Bill

Last Saturday our oldest employee and close friend, William B. DeVille, died at the age of 85.
Bill joined our company in 2005 at the age of 73, applying with the words “We have a very long lifespan in my family”. In uncountable forum posts and support tickets he helped our customers getting started with our products and find creative solutions for their problems.
In his professional career Bill studied chemistry at the Louisiana College in Pineville, LA, USA, and worked at the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. This expertise in the fields of science predestined him to give advice to students, educators, and researchers alike.
After both his daughter and his wife had died, Bill moved from Baton Rouge, LA, to a log cabin in Nashville, IN. There he lived and worked together with his dogs Tippy and Oliver. His favorite workplaces were his computer counter at the cabin, not far from the always-on coffee machine, and a gazebo overlooking the forests of Brown County. Bill never missed Catfish Friday at Brownie’s Family Restaurant in Bean Blossom.
We’ll miss Bill as a good friend and as part of our company.

Top to bottom: Bill working at his computer counter. Oliver and Tippy, Bill’s dogs. Sales & Support meeting at Brownie’s Family Restaurant in Bean Blossom, IN. Indian summer in Brown County.