As promised two days ago: We have more news this week. Today is the end of the DEVONacademy as we knew it. We have updated all tutorials, collected new scripts, templates, and plugins, moved all tips from my blog to a database, and integrated everything into an easy-to-use assistant that is now part of DEVONthink and DEVONnote, and soon also of DEVONagent. (mehr)
Mac super-blogger Gina Trapani again mentioned DEVONthink in her latest Work Smart 2 video podcast as the solution for the paperless office on the Mac when you don’t just want to store scanned papers but also find them again: … (mehr)
From time to time I am publishing links to interesting articles mentioning DEVONthink and how it can be used e.g for implementing the paperless office. Here are some of the most interesting ones:
DEVONtechnologies or me personally have no affiliation with the linked pages or Amazon, I am only posting these links as they might be useful for my readers. (mehr)
For those of you waiting for DEVONthink to appear on the Mac App Store: The wait is over! This weekend Apple has approved DEVONthink Personal which is now available as ‘DEVONthink’ on the Mac App Store. Click here. (mehr)
After Yahoo!’s announcement to sell quite a few people were looking for a safer home for their bookmarks. And found Pinboard. If you are among them you may like the following script by Rafael Bugajewski which imports your Pinboard bookmarks into DEVONthink. Click here to download the script.
Just a quick note that Ammonite has been updated to version 1.6. The new version can replicate results to a group in DEVONthink, shows the number of results in the window title, and can keep the search string when removing tags from the query. Ammonite is a stand-alone HUD (head-up display) giving quick access to the contents of your DEVONthink databases from any other application. (mehr)
Updates! We cannot get enough of them. And so we created a whole bunch of updates for you: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONthink To Go, EasyFind, and XMenu — with cool new features and tons of bug fixes. Especially when you’re using DEVONthink To Go you will like what we have submitted to Apple today. It’s not only much more robust, it also comes with voice and video notes now.
DEVONthink Pro comes with smart templates for integrating bibliographic data from Sente 6 as notes. Power user and scripter Rob Trew has published an additional script that sends selected notes to DEVONthink including attachments. (mehr)
In the last two weeks we have installed a brand new customer database server and updated all self-service forms in our support area. Everything from trial extensions to upgrade requests is connect live to the database now — no more waiting for email. (mehr)
Just a quick note that we have today released version 2.0.6 of all editions of DEVONthink and of DEVONnote. The update fixes bugs, e.g. the ‘Sync group missing’ bug that affected only some Macs but not all of them. It also brings better integration with Spotlight and improves the overall performance. Use your applications’ built-in update function or download the new versions on our Download page. (mehr)
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