DEVONsphere 1.9.4
As if macOS Catalina wouldn’t be scary enough, here’s our Halloween 🎃 update for DEVONsphere Express.

We’ve made version 1.9.4 scream to make it work better with Catalina and to support the native Nisus Writer file format. In its indexing hell it now more painfullyreliably indexes HTML and Finder comments and lets autocompletion suggestions of search terms apparateFrom Latin apparēre (to appear) in late Latin, as of a servant who appears on being summoned. A back-formation from apparition. more quickly in the search field. Of course we’ve also sent some bugs 🕷 to the underworld.
We recommend this free update to all wandering souls, ghosts, and ghouls. Get it directly by using the application’s update function or from our Download page. If you purchased the app in the Mac App Store mirror universe you’ll receive it as soon as it has passed Apple’s review (and with a different version number).