New Book: Taking Smart Notes
Kourosh Dini, author of the excellent book Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3, has just released a brand new book all about DEVONthink: Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink.

In his book, Kourosh covers all the basics of the application along the Zettelkasten (or slip-box) concept. He shares how he uses DEVONthink and what his workflows look like. Then he takes you by the hand and shows you how to set up databases and build systems. Kourosh also added AppleScript scripts and Keyboard Maestro macros for you to try out and extend. We love Kourosh’s light and fun to read writing style.
Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink costs US $34.95 and comes with three formats for whatever ebook reader you might use. When you sign up for his newsletter, he sends you a free sample chapter.
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