How to Check Cloud Service Status

Many people use compatible cloud services for syncing DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. These can be useful in situations where devices need to be updated more frequently, or Bonjour connections are disallowed. However, just as any website can be unavailable, for a variety of reasons, these servers can experience downtime as well. Here are some official links to some of the services you might use, not only for syncing but just about any of your cloud storage needs:
- Dropbox:
- Apple (including iCloud):
- Google (including Google Drive):
- Office365 (including OneDrive):
- (requires login):
For other services, you can do a web search for the service name and “status”, or check the service’s site for a service status or outage page.
We are afraid, but Google Drive and OneDrive are not on the table right now for syncing DEVONthink databases. But just about any cloud service that supports the open WebDAV standard is, of course.