Link OmniFocus and DEVONthink

For many of you OmniFocus is a natural choice for managing your to-dos and projects. The folks running the great tutorial website Learn OmniFocus have updated their mini tutorial on how to integrate DEVONthink with OmniFocus.
Virtually anything in DEVONthink can be linked to OmniFocus projects, action groups, and actions. This linking can be performed manually or through automation. Conveniently, links work across Macs, iPhones, and iPads. You can also include links to OmniFocus projects, actions, tags, and more in your DEVONthink database, allowing for two-way linking between these two apps.
And don’t miss all the other good tutorials and videos they have online, some of which are only available to paying members. They also do live sessions and private coaching.
P.S. DEVONthink To Go also adds its own Add to OmniFocus action to the Share menu which can save you a few taps if you want to create a new task with the selected document.