Backup Your Valuable Data from Evernote

Recently, Evernote has lost key people and started to try to raise investment money. This might make those nervous who rely on their services. Apple Insider published a guide for Evernote users who want to export their data to stay safe:
There are devils in many different details and to get all of the data both out of Evernote and into somewhere else that you can actually use it is a bigger task than the company suggests. (…)
We’ll show you how to move all of your notes to Apple Notes, Bear and DEVONthink and only partly because all three are excellent. There’s also the fact that between them they demonstrate the different ways you can expect to import Evernote data into any app.
If you are an Evernote user and want to back up your valuable documents to any of the mentioned alternatives including DEVONthink, check out William Gallagher’s guide on Apple Insider.
Note: The File > Import > Notes from Evernote command is not available in the Mac App Store version of DEVONthink Personal. We recommend purchasing directly from us: Shop.
P.S. Backing up your data is always important. Read our series of articles about how to save your DEVONthink databases from unwanted destruction.