Beta Test for New Sync and DEVONthink To Go 2.0 Starts
Since first mentioning DEVONthink To Go 2.0 more time has passed than we anticipated. We started to build our own sync technology including our own cloud service to use in both iOS and Mac versions of DEVONthink in 2013. Unfortunately our approach didn’t work out as expected and so we boxed the project in August 2015 to write an alternative sync from scratch.
A few weeks ago we began the beta test of the new technology on the Mac. And yesterday we submitted DEVONthink To Go 2.0 with fully functional sync to our private beta group via Apple’s Test Flight program.

We use the very same code base on both platforms. It synchronizes DEVONthink databases via any WebDAV server or service, Dropbox, and the local network. All data is encrypted (AES 256 bit) if a password is supplied. It fixes all known shortcomings of our previous sync methods and is substantially faster. In addition it uses less files and folders, less disk or server space, less bandwidth, less RAM and less CPU time. On the Mac it also works with local sync stores, folders on any mountable drive, as well as services that mirror cloud data using a local folder, e.g. iCloud Drive or BitTorrent.
On iOS it enables DEVONthink To Go 2.0 to offer a full set of organization and editing options as well as sync with other iOS devices without relying on a Mac. It’s now possible to move, duplicate, replicate, or delete documents as well as tag, flag, edit, and annotate them. One can also create groups, group or convert documents, or even make new databases on the iOS device.

Other improvements include a new editor for RTF and HTML-based formatted notes and a new PDF engine with support for annotations. A new full-text search allows to use Boolean operators, proximity, and parentheses. New documents are created with an easy to use assistant that is also available from other applications (Clip to DEVONthink). On the iPad an icon view including Mac-style drag-and-drop makes organizing documents even easier.
As soon as we’ve gathered more insight from the beta group we’ll give you the chance to give it a test drive, too. On the Mac there’s nothing for you to do right now besides following this blog.
For iOS Apple requires us to maintain a limited list of registered beta testers. If you are interested in having a look at DEVONthink To Go 2.0 before it hits the App Store please click here to email us both your Apple ID (the one you use for the App Store) as well as your user forum name. On the forum we discuss beta builds and feature requests.
DEVONthink To Go 2.0 as well as the new sync for the Mac will be free upgrades for existing users.
Addendum: We have now collected as many beta testers as Apple allows. So please understand that the beta test sign-up is now closed. We will, of course, keep you updated here on the blog regarding our progress. Thank you for your patience.