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Shortcut to the Web

May 16, 2017 — Jim Neumann

As some of you may know, DEVONagent Pro is the second flagship in our product line. As very powerful web search assistant with powerful search and scheduling tools, it can aid you in your online research. But, it’s a heavy hammer to swing if you’re just in need of a quick online search tool with more capabilities than a simple Google search. If that’s your need, take a look at DEVONagent Express.

It’s an affordable menubar application that allows you to run more focused searches without having to open a browser. If you run an express search, it returns results from a variety of search engines, quickly. If you uncheck this option, you are doing an exhaustive DEVONagent-style search. It filter the results to remove advertisements and broken pages (e.g. 404 errors) before delivering the results. There are even some built-in search sets, like Web (Movies), to help focus your search even more. Add a hotkey in DEVONagent Express’ preferences and you can fire off a quick search, quickly and easily.

Attention, DEVONagent Pro users: DEVONagent Express is built right into what you already own! Check out Preferences > Menu Extra.