What's Your Favorite?
13. Mai 2014 — Jim Neumann
As you work in DEVONthink, you’ll come to find yourself going to the same places over and over again. It may be opening a certain database, working in a certain project, or other daily uses. These are perfect items to add to your Sidebar Favorites.
- An often used database (or one you just want quick access to). Here you can see an Accounts database that I don’t use all the time so it doesn’t show up in my Recent Databases. The Favorites makes it quickly accessible when I need it. Note that it is grayed out because it’s stored in an unavailable location.
- The next four items are groups in three separate databases. These are groups that I am often in (and in the case of Dailies and Support Hub, I am in them all the time). This provides quick access to these groups no matter where I am in another database. The BLUEFROG - Links group shows that I have some RSS feeds with unread entries, so I can see at a glance that I have something to read. A nice perk of these Favorites is double-clicking them will open the database if it’s not open, unless the database is in an unavailable location.
Note: You can’t add a database’s smart groups or individual documents to the favorites, but… Smart groups will go to the Global Smart Group section, and documents can be dropped to these favorite groups just like a Sorter location.