Elaine Giles' DEVONthink 3 Series

Elaine Giles, an IT consultant based in Manchester, UK, has made all the screencasts that she produced for MacBites After Hours available for free on YouTube. The whole video is more than four (!) hours long but don’t worry: Elaine has added chapters and linked to each of them from an overview page.
In her amazing series of tutorials Elaine covers everything from the paperless office, an introduction into DEVONthink, and the various parts of the application, to GTD, custom templates, backups, and more.
That being more than we could reasonably mention here but still not enough for Elaine, she already announced that she would add to this amazing collection in the future. Make sure to join her at future MacBites After Hours sessions, all performed live and recorded to watch later if the time’s not right for you.
Thank you very much, Elaine!