How to Share a Database without Sync

Are you looking for a way to share your DEVONthink database without having to set up a sync right away? Then simply export the database as a database archive.
Select the desired database in the Navigate sidebar. Choose File > Export > Database Archive. Save the file to your desired location and edit the name, if you wish. DEVONthink will check that the database is healthy, optimize it if necessary, and create a compressed copy of the database. The amount of time it takes to compress depends on the size of the database’s contents. So if this is a large database, do this at a time where you can let it compress the data uninterruptedly.
When the process is finished, you will have a ZIP file that you can share with someone. Do this through a cloud service, by e-mail via AirDrop, on a thumb drive (though the database should not be unzipped and used on the drive), etc. The recipient receives a copy of the database that they can open and use in DEVONthink!