DEVONthink Integration for Marky

Do you already know Marky, the Markdownifier? This is a useful web application that easily converts web pages to Markdown. Marky removes annoying ads, sidebars, and menus for you, and then Markdownifies the web page, leaving you with clean, beautiful text.
Developer Brett Terpstra, who also develops the Markdown editor Marked 2, has now added a DEVONthink integration to his Marky. After Marky has converted a web page to Markdown for you, you can now clip the Markdown text directly as a document to DEVONthink. We provide our browser extension Clip to DEVONthink for this, but if you have a certain favorite browser or are simply looking for an alternative, Marky might be for you. Pick a website and give it a try!
Here is Brett’s blog post about the integration, make sure to have a look at it.