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Clip To DEVONthink — in DEVONthink

October 12, 2016 — Jim Neumann

Many people use the DEVONthink browser extensions to clip information from web pages into their DEVONthink databases. We have extensions (or add-ons, different name but the same thing) for Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox.

You may already know DEVONthink has built-in web browsing. Add a bookmark to your database, select it, and you are browsing the web just like any other browser. But what if you want to capture a web page like you can in your favorite browser? You may not have known, but DEVONthink has two slightly  different methods to capture web data. If you are browsing a web page in DEVONthink…

  1. Right-click the page and choose Capture Page and the desired option. You can also click the Action menu (with the gear icon above the web page) and choose from the same options. Both of these options will create a new file, of the desired type, in the same location as the bookmark.
  2. Before you start capturing web pages with this second method, make sure to set Preferences > Import > Destination to Select Group. Then, with the web page open in DEVONthink, choose File > Import > Clip To DEVONthink — just like in the browser. When you do this, the group selector will appear and you can file the captures away where you want them.

P.S. The selector will remember the last place you saved to. This makes for even more efficient captures, all without leaving DEVONthink.