Workflows for Scholars

In his blog, Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity, Jeff Taekman lays out his workflow for Reading, Extracting, and Storing Scholarly Information. Of course this also involves DEVONthink:
The whole purpose of extracting annotations and full text from each manuscript is to gain granular access to the information I’ve read. Through its “see also” feature, Devonthink can identify information I’m looking for. But more importantly Devonthink finds related content based on the context of my original query. (…) The next time I launch Devonthink, the new information is catalogued and available for writing. The new information is also transferred to Devonthink To Go to use while writing on my iPad.
So if you’re working scholarly Jeff’s workflow might be interesting for you too. And don’t forget to check the other articles he has written about DEVONthink. Thank you, Jeff, for sharing!