If you, like many of our customers, own one of the older Fujitsu ScanSnap scanners like the S300M, S500M, S510M or S1500(M), the time might have come to move to a newer model or look for alternatives. (more)
macOS Catalina is going into a new round of public beta testing and is expected to arrive for everyone this autumn. It brings changes to iTunes, Find My Friends, and Reminders, but also a lot of modifications to the underpinnings. One of these (almost) invisible changes is the end of support for 32-bit applications. You might have already been notified by your Mac about applications that need an update. (more)
In a recent blog post the makers of Ulysses strongly advised against installing this year’s public betas of macOS and iOS on devices that you rely on. We second the Ulysses team’s recommendation. (more)
Keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) are a great way to add a little efficiency to your computer use. CheatSheet is a great little utility from Media Atelier that shows a list of shortcuts for the active application when you press and hold the Command key down. (more)
Despite the availability of affordable, high capacity external drives, modern laptops often come equipped with much smaller drives. This requires more judicious storage habits and paying closer attention to how much space is left. While you can find utilities that display this information in attractive types of charts, etc. you can get very good information directly from the operating system in macOS El Capitan and later. (more)
Today is macOS Mojave day. And while DEVONthink 2.10.1 is working fine on Apple’s latest incarnation of the Mac operating system, the new security measures do interfere with DEVONthink Pro Office’s Mail plugin. Mojave wants to know that you trust our plugin and have the intent to run it. To (re)enable the Mail plugin please follow these steps: … (more)
A recent Twitter post asked a question about turning on and off the WebSharing server in DEVONthink Pro Office. It was assuming a need for an AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro routine. Well, it’s not AppleScriptable (outside of UI scripting, which I don’t advocate) and Keyboard Maestro is more than is needed for this task. (more)
When it comes to synchronizing on any network connection, the quality and strength of your network matters — and is often not as good as you imagine. Can you hit the maximum advertised speed? Yes, but probably not sustained over the hours and hours you use it. Wireless networks are convenient, but they’re also subject to poor signal strength, noise, and other factors that can limit your sync reliablility. (more)
If you find yourself typing the same things over and over again, there is a way to give your fingers a break. Text expansion is a method of assigning abbreviations for things like often used phrases. For example, you may create an abbreviation like em1, which could fill in your email when typed. Or you may have boilerplate text for a business, like thank yous. You could use the abbreviation tfyo that could expand to “Thanks for your order!” … (more)
While we rely on our big powerhouse applications like DEVONthink, there are many smaller utilities we use for specialized purposes. However, this has lead to our menubars becoming increasingly crowded. Especially on a smaller screen, like a MacBook Air’s, this leads to the utilities’ icons being hidden from view. Enter Bartender. (more)
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