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Articles in the category Tips

May 21, 2013

Clip and Search with PopClip

PopClip is a marvelous little app that gives you an iOS-style contextual menu for selected text with the usual options: Copy, Cut, Paste, etc. But beyond what is available out of the box it can be easily extended. Install the DEVONthink Pro (Office) PopClip extension from our Download Extras page and clip selected text to your inbox or search your databases for the text with just one click. (more)

April 30, 2013

Send Screenshots Directly to Your Inbox

If you make screenshots and find yourself dragging them to DEVONthink Pro or ProOffice every time, here’s a shortcut for you: You can change the Finder’s location for screenshots to any folder you like. Change this to the Inbox folder and the picture is imported immediately or at least as soon as DEVONthink Pro (Office) is being opened. (more)

March 14, 2013

Switch From Google Reader to DEVONthink Pro

Today Google announced that they would shut down their online RSS reader service Google Reader on July 1, 2013. So if you are a Google Reader subscriber looking for an alternative you may not yet know that DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office are excellent news reader, too! (more)

February 19, 2013

Add Bookmarks via the Services Menu

Did you know that you can select clickable web addresses in e.g. and choose DEVONnote/DEVONthink: Take Rich Note in the Services menu to create a bookmark in your database? Unfortunately this does not work for links in Safari. To add a bookmark for them instead of creating a rich text document drag them to DEVONnote’s or DEVONthink’s dock icon.

November 13, 2012

Use Google Docs Inside of DEVONthink

For bookmarks DEVONthink shows the linked web page immediately when you select it in any view that has a preview pane, e.g. in Split view. And as Google Docs is just a web page you can add it to DEVONthink just like any other bookmark. Select it and DEVONthink shows the complete Google Docs editor just like as if it was a local document. (more)

November 8, 2012

Interesting Idea

Susan Young at the

DNA can be used to store information at a density about a million times greater than your hard drive, report researchers in Science today. George Church of Harvard Medical School and colleagues report that they have written an entire book in DNA, a feat that highlights the recent advances in DNA synthesis and sequencing. [more] … (more)

September 7, 2012

Missing Apps in the Open In Menu

If you have many apps installed on your iPhone or iPad that can handle the same file types, e.g. PDFs, it can happen that one or the other does not longer appear in the Open In menu that allows you to send files from one app to another. In iOS 5 the limit seems to be ten apps. So if you want to send a file to, e.g., DEVONthink To Go and you don’t see it listed it may be that you simply have too many apps on your device that can open this file type. (more)

August 7, 2012

Paperless by David Sparks

Do you think about going paperless, e.g. with a document scanner and DEVONthink Pro Office? David Sparks’ field guide Paperless gets you started with everything you need to know from why you should paperless to a selection of tools and David’s own paperless workflow. (more)

July 5, 2012

How You Can Use DEVONsphere Express

Ever wondered what DEVONsphere Express is actually about and how you could use it make your Mac smarter and your life easier? I have added a number of real-world usage examples to the product page. If you’re still unsure if and how DEVONsphere Express could be useful for you, click here to check them out (near the bottom of the page).