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Articles in the category Tips

July 3, 2012

Make a Sophisticated Tickler File with Scripts

Many people who are using David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology are also using a tickler file. It consists of 43 folders, one for each month of the year and 31 for the days of the month, in which you keep documents that become relevant at a certain time. DEVONthink Pro already comes with some basic smart templates for this. Forum user Sampsa went a lot further and created a whole series of scripts that create the necessary group structure and even manage it. Documents previously filed for today are automatically moved into the Inbox by a script attached to an iCal alarm. (more)

June 12, 2012

Export Note with Linked Documents

If you send e.g. a rich text document from DEVONthink or DEVONnote to someone else and the document contained links to other documents, the recipient will not be able to use the links as the other documents are missing. (more)

June 5, 2012

Even Better Mail Rule Script

If you like our mail rule scripts for emailing yourself documents and adding them to your DEVONthink inbox or databases, you will like this new script even more. Add it to a rule in Apple Mail and give the rule a distinct name. The messages will get files into a group of the rule’s name in DEVONthink’s global inbox and all attachments in a group with the message’s name. (more)

May 1, 2012

Use Smart Groups for Reading RSS News

If you’re using DEVONthink Pro (Office) for reading your RSS feeds you need to select each feed that contains unread news to read the articles. To read all unread news in one place create a smart group that searches for items of kind ‘HTML Page’ with the ‘Unread’ flag switched on. It shows a blue blob as its icon indicating that it’s a smart group looking for unread items.

April 24, 2012

Drag Files to DEVONsphere Express

If your favorite app is not directly supported and so DEVONsphere Express does not update its panel live to your current document you can simply drag the document to DEVONsphere Express’ search field. It automatically focuses on the file. To drag a file you’re just editing or viewing drag its icon in the document window’s title bar (if available).

April 18, 2012

Better Work with DEVONsphere Express Results

DEVONsphere Express delivers instant See Also results on almost anything you’re working on, from web pages in Safari to email messages or Pages documents. Double-clicking opens found items in the default app for their type. But you can do more. (more)

April 3, 2012

Exclude Items from Classification

Last week we explained why one could want to exclude groups or even whole databases from tagging in DEVONthink or DEVONnote. In addition both groups and documents can be individually excluded from classification, see-also, and search. Nice, but why would you do such a thing? (more)

March 28, 2012

Why Excluding a Group from Tagging Can Be Useful

DEVONthink and DEVONnote treat groups and tags, basically, the same but display them different. That means that if Exclude Groups from Tagging is unchecked in a database’s properties, the group(s) in which an item is filed also appear as tag(s) attached to it. When assigning tags to an item other groups are proposed as tags while you’re typing. If you like this behavior you can quickly file a document in multiple groups and later find them either by their tags or in the respective groups representing the tags. (more)

March 12, 2012

Clean Up Web Pages Before Printing

If you’re often “printing” web pages as PDF to your DEVONthink database, you might enjoy the following hack: The little bookmarklet switches a web page shown in your web browser (definitely works with Safari and Firefox) to design mode, making it possible to edit it on the fly before printing. Edit as you like, the changes are, of course, not saved to the originating web server. Don’t worry, reloading the page brings it back in all its beauty. (more)