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Articles tagged with devonthink

January 29, 2020

DEVONthink 3.0.4

DEVONthink 3.0.4 brings more refinements and bug fixes. For example, the enhanced dark mode allows for showing documents with a bright background while leaving the rest of the user interface in the dark. Other enhancements include better keyboard navigation, quicker searching for selected words, and an improved sidebar. (more)

January 28, 2020

How to Print Multiple Documents

If you use File > Print in DEVONthink, it will print what is shown in the selected pane. For example, if you have the groups list selected, it will print the groups as displayed; if you select a document, it will print the contents of the document. However, you cannot select multiple documents and print them — but this old trick still works well. (more)

January 22, 2020

How to Keep Your Data Private

An article published yesterday by Reuters casts a shadow on Apple’s commitment on privacy and encryption. We tell you how to keep your data out of iCloud backups, encrypt databases, and synchronize them securely. (more)

January 16, 2020

Using DEVONthink with Timing

If you’re self-employed or a freelancer then you have to track your time but for most people it’s not subject to entertainment tax. The Mac application Timing takes at least some of the pain out of it by automatically recording which applications you work with, which web sites you visit, or which databases, groups, or documents in DEVONthink you work with. If Timing is for you, we got you as our customer 10% off your first subscription period. (more)

January 15, 2020

DEVONthink 3 Ebook Updated

Joe Kissell has just released the first update for his excellent Take Control of DEVONthink 3 ebook. Download the latest version for free from our Handbooks and Extras page. (more)

January 14, 2020

Actions vs. Reference

In episode 12 of their excellent podcast Nested Folders Rosemary Orchard and Scott Jackson talk about the difference between and management of actions and tasks, and reference material. Rose explains how she uses DEVONthink for managing her collection. (more)

January 7, 2020

One App, Three Editions

In the past, DEVONthink for Mac was provided in three editions. Each edition had its own separate download on our website. With DEVONthink 3, we have created a single application with unlockable features, hence a single, simple download. (more)

December 19, 2019

Join Us for WinterFest

As it is our custom in this season, we’re again joining some fellow software manufacturers from all over the world for WinterFest. Buy DEVONthink or DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other WinterFest apps with a similar discount. (more)

December 17, 2019

MojMac on DEVONthink 🇵🇱

The beautifully designed Polish Mac magazine MojMac has published a great review of DEVONthink 3 which is equally nice to read and to look at. Don’t miss issue no. 9 2019 if you read Polish. (more)

December 5, 2019

December Updates

Thanksgiving and the Black Friday weekend are just over and here’s already another round of updates for our DEVONthink and DEVONagent product lines. All of them bring improvements and bug fixes that you don’t want to miss. (more)