Come in and take a seat. Or two. Actually, as many as you need for DEVONthink. This week only, from Thursday, March 9th, to Friday, March 10th, 2023, you can purchase additional seats for 30% less. (more)
In customer support, we receive many questions every day on different topics and it is not uncommon for people to ask the same question others have asked before. Therefore we offer another form of support for quick access: a FAQ section on our website. Here you can learn more about it. (more)
DEVONagent 3.11.7 brings integration with Neeva, the Case Law Project, and IEEEXplore. Its scripts and scanners also retrieves more image formats, and the See Also inspector makes better suggestions. DEVONsphere 1.9.7 suggests related websites and adds thumbnails to web search results more reliably. (more)
DEVONthink offers a wide range of features and therefore has a complex, multi-layered interface with numerous elements. To avoid stumbling over terminology being used in our forum, handbook, or elsewhere, we created a tutorial. (more)
Perhaps you like to use Markdown for your notes, but need to write mathematical formulas from time to time. The MathJax extension lets you do exactly that: edit and render documents with terms and equations directly in DEVONthink. Here is, how that works. (more)
In a search, your search term can refer to different contexts, such as the name of the document or the content. Using search prefixes in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go allows you to focus your searches by narrowing down to the context you’re searching on. Here is how that works. (more)
Our update for DEVONthink for Mac today lets you create deep links for selected text and PDF annotations, search more precisely from the toolbar, and write Markdown in WYSIWYG in the Sorter. We’ve also improved working with annotations and rearranged the inspectors a bit. (more)
We know our applications don’t exist in isolation on your Mac. While you can view or edit many file types in DEVONthink, there are times you want to open them in other applications. This is especially easy with the free utility CustomShortcuts. Here is how that works. (more)
In DEVONthink you can create an item link to any item in your database. This is a URL that allows you to access an item directly without having to search for it or navigate through your database. DEVONthink user Julien Dimastromatteo, Ph.D., shows how to use item links practically. (more)
Quality assurance is a top priority in the development of our applications. Nevertheless, misbehavior can sometimes occur, leading to an application crashing or stalling. To investigate and fix the issue, we need a report with some information about it. Here’s how you can support us with that. (more)
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