Lyndon Drake, happy to receive his second doctorate, this time in Theology from Oxford.
Lyndon Drake received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theology: Congratulations! We are honored to be part of his journey, since DEVONthink gave him a helping hand with his academic work. Here we share some of his thoughts and tips with you. (more)
One way of working that is often discussed is the Zettelkasten method. DEVONthink user Jeffrey Taekman, M.D., gives us an insight into his workflow on his blog and shows how he uses DEVONthink to build and manage his digital Zettelkasten. (more)
Sometimes a visualization is helpful to see the connections between things, e.g., between different documents. One of our intrepid community members created a script for DEVONthink that allows you to generate a network graph showing interconnecting links between documents. Here is a brief overview. (more)
Kourosh Dini, author of the excellent book Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3, has just released a brand new book: Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink. Learn the basics of DEVONthink, build databases with the Zettelkasten method, and automate your workflows with scripts and macros that come with the book. (more)
On her website Beck Tench outlines her academic workflows and shares how she uses a variety of software products, including of course DEVONthink, together for maximum productivity. (more)
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