Today we have released maintenance updates for DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONagent, and DEVONsphere Express. The updates add a few new features such as automatic updating of thumbnails of formatted notes and web archives for DEVONthink or support for WordPerfect files for DEVONagent. We have also improved the overall performance of all apps and, of course, fixed the bugs you have notified us of. (more)
Using the Clip to DEVONthink Safari extension you easily capture web pages to your DEVONthink database with a single click or keystroke. We have today updated the extension for Retina displays and corrected an issue that prevents the current version 1.2.1 from automatically updating itself. If you own a MacBook with Retina display this update is for you! (more)
A few weeks ago Apple announced OS X 10.9 Mavericks and so here’s our first release of DEVONthink and DEVONnote optimized for the upcoming new version of your favorite operating system! But that’s, of course, not enough. DEVONthink 2.6 adds automatic updating of indexed folders, and directly imports references from Bookends and notes from Evernote. (more)
I n our user forum, via Twitter, and by email quite a few of you are asking us about the future of DEVONthink To Go, the iOS companion to DEVONthink for Mac. I already mentioned that we’re working on a new release and so I want to give you an update on our progress. (more)
DEVONthink and Bookends work nicely together: DEVONthink Pro and up come with a smart template for quickly linking to references in Bookends, accept references dragged over from your collection, and Bookends can store “item links” for any document in DEVONthink. Just recently Sonny Software released Bookends 12 with an exciting set of new features. Check it out! (more)
PopClip is a marvelous little app that gives you an iOS-style contextual menu for selected text with the usual options: Copy, Cut, Paste, etc. But beyond what is available out of the box it can be easily extended. Install the DEVONthink Pro (Office) PopClip extension from our Download Extras page and clip selected text to your inbox or search your databases for the text with just one click. (more)
Today I had the honor to give a 45-minute presentation at my former college, the Stuttgart Media University (Hochschule der Medien, HdM), on my zig-zag career path, our products from DEVONthink to DEVONsphere, and about how to build an Internet startup. It was a lot of fun being back in the hallowed halls again and meet some fantastic customers who use our apps intensively for their research and educational work.
An old friend of mine and fellow software developer, Hardy Macia from Catamount Software, passed away tonight after a long fight against cancer. We met just twice in person, once when we lived in Munich and he called in for an evening, and again when I drove up from Boston to his house, the “Train Station”. He showed me how life would be as an independent software vendor and I had him in mind when I quit my day job to run DEVONtechnologies. (more)
A few weeks ago we got contacted by Frederick Sarran from Scotland trying to raise funds for Balnagask Court in Torry, Aberdeen, a complex for Adults with Learning Disabilities (ALD) and Mental Health issues. From his website: … (more)
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