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Articles tagged with devonthink

August 2, 2022

How to Use Filing and Moving

Screenshot showing the item list and the smart rule editor in DEVONthink.

In a another post on smart rules, we discussed how to organize DEVONthink documents in an automated fashion. In this post we briefly touched on the File action, but some people have wondered why not just use the Move action. Here’s the difference between the two. (more)

July 26, 2022

Fabrizio Musacchio

Fabrizio works as a scientist and lives in Cologne, Germany, EU.

Within the past few months, a forum participant who goes by the handle @PixelTracker posted some useful DEVONthink scripts in the Automation section of our forums. A more recent set of scripts appeared on the forums and his blog, prompting us to ask, “Who is this person writing these scripts?” So we invited him to share some thoughts with us and all of you. (more)

July 21, 2022

DEVONthink 3.8.5

Screenshot showing the Link To menu in Markdown documents in DEVONthink.

Today’s maintenance release for DEVONthink for Mac provides some needed fixes, as well as a few additions and improvements. There are, for example, a new Link To context menu for Markdown as well as some enhancements to item links and metadata detection. But that is, of course, not all. (more)

July 12, 2022

How to Access Today's Files

Screenshot showing the today smart group.

When working in DEVONthink, it is not unusual to have more than one database open, navigating back and forth between groups. As you open, close, create, and edit documents, it’s not uncommon to eventually lose track of something. Fortunately, smart groups can help corral these files. (more)

July 5, 2022

How to Install Our Applications

Screenshot showing a Finder window for copying an app to the Applications folder.

DEVONtechnologies has several applications available for a variety of purposes. From a simple freeware thumbnail generator to our flagship apps DEVONthink and DEVONagent. For whatever application you’re thinking, “I’m ready to try this application out”, the first step is downloading and installing the app. Fortunately, this is a simple two step process. (more)

July 1, 2022

Take Control of DEVONthink Updated

Cover picture of the ebook Take Control of DEVONthink 3.

Take Control Books’ Joe Kissell updated the ebook Take Control of DEVONthink 3 to cover DEVONthink for Mac up through version 3.8.4, and DEVONthink To Go for iOS/iPadOS up through version 3.5. (more)

June 28, 2022

Understanding DEVONthink's Sync

Screenshot showing the sync settings of DEVONthink

When it comes to syncing in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go, some people wonder or get confused about how to “get my databases on both devices”. Here are some tips and things to understand about syncing. (more)

June 23, 2022

SummerFest: Great Apps, Great Prices

It’s summer on the northern hemisphere. The time for going outside, without our digital devices, and enjoying some time in a local café or public park. And it’s the time for our traditional SummerFest. Buy DEVONthink and DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other SummerFest apps with a similar discount. (more)

June 22, 2022

DEVONthink 3.8.4

Screenshot showing the multimedia filter of DEVONthink.

This maintenance release brings a variety of additions and improvements for the everyday life with DEVONthink for Mac. From new preferences and a new filter pane to enhancements for the Markdown editor, support for pencil drawings added with DEVONthink To Go 3.5, better date handling in automations, and more. (more)

June 21, 2022

How to Use Workspaces

Screenshot showing the workspace menu in DEVONthink

Imagine you have a set of databases you open to work on a specific project. Or a database you occasionally use and open in three windows side-by-side. While it’s possible to manually open databases and windows, DEVONthink has a special function to make this a more dynamic process: Workspaces. (more)