There are certain situations where you may need to fully uninstall DEVONthink. Maybe you are switching jobs and will be returning a company-issued computer. Or perhaps you are selling your current Mac and want to make sure you have cleaned off your DEVONthink installation. Whatever the reason, here is how to do a full uninstall of DEVONthink. (more)
We wish everyone of you a peaceful time, wherever in the world you are and whatever you believe in. Have a great start into a new, exciting, productive, and hopefully less special year 2022. (more)
WinterFest is the time when we come virtually together with other, like-minded software manufacturers. Buy DEVONthink or DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other WinterFest apps with a similar discount. (more)
This update for DEVONthink To Go 3 adds a document options menu, support for searching documents in Asian languages, and recognizes source code documents. It also improves the overall performance and reliability. (more)
With the mass of information often found in a DEVONthink database, color can be a helpful visual indicator when browsing your documents. Many people know you can apply color labels on your documents, similar to the Finder, but here’s how to also color your tags in DEVONthink. (more)
The new Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking calls software designers to ensure that resources inside the software are linkable. DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go offer platform-independent URLs for documents inside databases already for many years. We are one of the original signers of the manifesto. (more)
In episode 578 of iOS Today, the lovely Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard talk about gathering notes and research on iOS. They go through on-board options and third-party apps including DEVONthink To Go. (more)
Plain text files are at the very core of many things in the computing world. Markdown and HTML, system logs, delimited files for tabular data… the list goes on an on. DEVONthink supports many plain text file types, but there may be types DEVONthink doesn’t recognize. Here’s how to add new plain text extensions that can then be viewed and edited in DEVONthink. (more)
There are two ways to get data into DEVONthink, importing and indexing. Importing copies files into your databases. Indexing allows you to keep your files in their locations in the Finder but still be used in your databases. Moving indexed files can cause them to appear as missing in the database. Here’s how to successfully handle such a move. (more)
Now is the time for relaxing — and a great time to get ready for the coming year. Only from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we give 25 percent discount on all our software products and ebooks. (more)
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