Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

October 18, 2007

Your Opinion is Welcome

We’ve just received a charming comment from Jeffrey Deuel, who recently tried out DEVONthink Pro Office and seems relatively satisfied with it:

My God — this has to be the coolest software I’ve ever used. I just downloaded Devonthink Pro Office to use with my new ScanSnap. I’ve never had this much fun filing stuff and shredding originals.     … (more)

October 11, 2007

Autum is Here, and Two Updates

The leaves here are turning to yellow, red, and brown. Fall is finally here, my favorite season. I spend more work time in our local coffee shop than in my office just because of the lovely view onto Market Square. Nevertheless, we’re not lazy! Today, we have some long overdue updates for you: EasyFind 4.0 and PhotoStickies 5.6. Not enough, we’ve also made PhotoStickies freeware again! Happy searching and sticking! See our news page for more information on the updates.

October 1, 2007

DEVONbaby No. 2: Welcome, Kristián Karas

Four years after the release of DEVONbaby No. 1 on October 1, 2003, we’ve today, September 30, 2007, released DEVONbaby No 2 — Yesterday morning at 05:30 CET, Kristián Karas was born in Budweis, CZ, son of our head developer Christian Grunenberg and his wife Hana Karasová. So, please, no complaints that we’re unable to plan ahead, or that we miss deadlines. Kristián weighs 3870g, and both mother and child are tired but healthy and well. Again, we expect no further updates as Kristián was already delivered as bug-free as such a product could ever be. We all here at DEVONtechnologies welcome our new global citizen and wish Kristián, Hana, and Christian all the best for their new life as a family. — Eric, Annard, and Bill

September 25, 2007

DEVONthink Pro Office Updated

I just wanted to let you know that we updated DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office to version 1.3.3. See our news page for more information on the update.

September 13, 2007

A Comment about DEVONthink and the ScanSnap

Just a few days ago we’ve received a comment from a user that was so nice that I had to post it here:

My God-this has to be the coolest software I’ve ever used. I just downloaded Devonthink Pro Office to use with my new ScanSnap. I’ve never had this much fun filing stuff and shredding originals. (more)

September 11, 2007

Welcome to Indiana, Bill

Bill DeVille, our head supporter and true evangelist for the DEVONbelief, has moved from warm and wet Louisiana to colder Indiana. Right after his 75th birthday, Bill has bought this wonderful Log Cabin in the woods of Indiana, which was first built in 1901, then in 1932, and finally in 1974. So, parts of the cabin are more than 100 years old. Today, the log cabin is up-to-date with central heating, air conditioning, good insulation as well as modern windows. (more)

August 23, 2007

Another Update: DEVONthink Pro (Office) 1.3.2

The second season update this summer is DEVONthink Pro (Office). It adds minor improvements to almost all areas of DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office. DEVONthink Professional Office 1.3.2 supports MailTags 2.0 notes, allows to set the resolution and the compression of PDFs, and connects to ExactCode’s ExactScan software. Both editions allow you to set the background color of rich text documents, support grouping of found documents directly from within Classify and See Also drawers, and read Finder and Spotlight comments when sync’ing an indexed folder. The Dashboard widgets look way more attractive now, too.

August 9, 2007

Workspaces and more: DEVONagent 2.2 is out

In the old tradition of season updates, here’s the first Summer Update, this time for DEVONagent. Version 2.2 adds, among many other improvements, new features that can come in handy when working with many web pages at the same time or with Bonjour-advertised web services as DEVONthink Pro Office web sharing. Also check our the heavily updated scanners that way more reliably detect thumbnail galleries, images, documents, whatever they’re looking for.

July 31, 2007

Getting Spreadsheet Data In and Out

If you need to get table-like data into DEVONthink Pro or out of it, nothing easier than that. From, e.g., Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice export your data as tab-separated or comma-separated values (.tsv, .csv). Import this into DEVONthink Pro and it will automagically appear as a sheet. To get a sheet out of DEVONthink, select it (not the individual records) and choose File > Export > As Files and Folders. It will get exported as tab-separated values that can be read by all spreadsheet applications on any platform.