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Articles tagged with ios

March 4, 2025

A Word About Data Privacy

Screenshot showing the DEVONthink To Go settings with the Backup data to iCloud option disabled.

Any time you store your data on servers you don’t operate, you have to trust they will respect your privacy. But even if you feel fairly comfortable, it’s not a bad idea to take a few further steps to protect your data. (more)

July 16, 2024

Using an iPhone as a Mac Scanner

Contextual menu with import from mobile commands

Scanning documents is a much needed function for many people, but you might not have a scanner available. If you have an iPhone or iPad connected to the same Apple Account as your Mac, you can use it to scan directly into DEVONthink’s Global Inbox. We show you how. (more)

June 11, 2024

More Key Commands on the iPad

Screenshot showing the popup with the overview of the keyboard shortcuts in DEVONthink To Go.

If you’re using an external keyboard with your iPad, you have access to keyboard commands in DEVONthink To Go. Here are a few keyboard shortcuts you may consider useful. (more)

February 27, 2024

A Word About Software Updates

Screenshot showing a beta notification in macOS' system settings.

When Apple announces their latest operating system, it may be tempting to jump right on it. But is that the best idea? Here are our recommendations. (more)

February 6, 2024

How to Reach Databases on the iPad

Screenshot showing an item list with the sidebar button in DEVONthink To Go.

We were asked the question why long-pressing the back button in DEVONthink To Go on the iPad doesn’t go back until the databases screen. Here’s why. (more)

December 12, 2023

How to Use Menus More Quickly

Screenshot showing a menu and a submenu in DEVONthink To Go.

When people talk about how they use an application, they sometimes complain about how many taps it takes to get something done. In DEVONthink To Go you can move through menus a little more smoothly. Here’s how. (more)

November 28, 2023

How to Use Universal Control

Image of an iPad and a Mac side-by-side.

If you use a Mac and an iPad at the same time, Universal Control allows you to control both devices from a single keyboard and mouse or trackpad. You can use both devices perfectly together while retaining their individual capabilities. Here we’ll show you this feature. (more)

October 3, 2023

How to Speed Up Haptic Touch on iOS

Screenshot showing the settings for Haptic Touch in iOS.

Context menus are used by many applications on Apple’s mobile platform. They provide a wider range of commands within the limited interface space of mobile devices. You typically open them by long-pressing items. Here is how to open them a bit faster. (more)

July 25, 2023

How to Use Focus Modes

Screenshot showing the settings for a focus mode for DEVONthink To Go.

Focus modes allow you to minimize distractions in different circumstances. This usually involves disabling notifications from certain people or applications. DEVONthink To Go also supports Focus modes and lets you filter your information as needed. Here is, how that works. (more)

April 11, 2023

How to Deal with Reduced Vision

macOS magnifier over the DEVONthink manual.

Whether due to a physical infirmity or just a product of getting older, viewing things on screen can become more difficult. Changing the interface isn’t something that’s simply done and everyone has their own level of correction needed. Here are a few ways to make things a bit easier on your eyes. (more)