Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

August 23, 2006

2nd DEVONagent Video is Online

We have just finished the second video tutorial for DEVONagent. It explains everything you need to know about search sets: what they are for, what they consist of, and how you can tweak them to your needs or how you can create your own search sets. You can even create sets that run unattended queries that completely automatically search the net for you and send you the results by email. Isn’t that cool?

August 17, 2006

Bookmarklets, and a Speed Boost

Just in case that you haven’t subscribed to our news RSS feed: We have just released DEVONthink Professional 1.2 and DEVONagent 2.0.2 with a few new features, an updated, faster kernel, and some bug fixes. (more)

August 8, 2006


This week, we have reached two very nice milestones in our online forum: More than 2,000 of you have registered for our forum, and and you and we have posted more than 15,000 articles. What a huge amount of collective knowledge that you, Christian, Annard and Bill have accumulated! (more)

July 31, 2006

In Newton's Footsteps

A nice side note from the PC world: the brand new built-in speech recognition of Windows Vista delivered, ehrr, interesting results at a recent analyst presentation in Redmond. Following Apple Newton’s footsteps, Vista wrote “Dear Aunt” instead of “Dear Mom”, and the rest went even worse, ending up with “double the killer delete select all.” Well, it seems we have to wait a bit longer for Windows Vista ;-) … (more)

July 26, 2006

Overheated, Automized, OCRified

As we’re melting here in Central Europe from the heat (33°C and up), I switched my balcony with the basement. And, I took the chance and made some major modification to the handling of upgrade, trial extension, and resend requests. All these requests are now completely automatically answered 24/7 by our license code server. (more)

July 5, 2006

Eric on Computer America

On May 17th, I was interviewed by Craig Crossman and Carey Holzman on Computer America, “the US’ longest-runnning national radio talk show about computers.” I had to get up at 4.30 CET in the morning because Computer America is being broadcast live at 10 pm EST. But, what can you do. (more)

July 4, 2006

Devonian Blues

A few months ago we stumbled over a nice song called “Devonian Blues.” It was made by Ray Troll from Trollart, and it’s all about the extremely important geologic period of the Devonian Period (remember: we’ve even named our whole company after it.) So, I couldn’t resist to post it here.

July 4, 2006

The Back Door

Those of you who visit our online forum regularly or who have read the second issue of DEVONtalk in 2005 will know Father Moses. He’s an orthodox monk living in the small Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery in the Northern Mountains of California, USA. He uses both DEVONthink Professional and DEVONagent for his daily work at the monastery. (more)

November 30, 2005

Interview: Father Moses

Father Moses lives as a monk at the Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery in Northern California, USA.

I met Orthodox Christian monk Father Moses of the Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery in California, USA, and talked with him about life at the Monastery and how DEVONthink Professional helps him concentrate on the really important things instead of organizing bits and bytes. (more)

June 15, 2005

Interview: Edward Vawter

Edward Vawter lives in Oregon, USA, and is self-employed.

I had the chance to meet Edward Vawter, a US-based technical consultant who offers professional information services. In the “old days”, his research on the Internet was a “long and frustrating process”. Not any longer, thanks to DEVONagent. (more)