Using multiple computers, working from different places, sharing data with coworkers: In today’s highly connected world it’s essential to always have access to the latest data. And because we know that, of course, we worked hard on creating the most versatile yet robust synchronization technology and rewriting the build-in web server of DEVONthink Pro Office. (more)
While we are fully engaged in re-writing DEVONthink To Go from scratch and incorporate our new sync technology we have today submitted a bug fix release version 1 to Apple. The update adds support for the iPhone 5 screen size and fixes a few crashes and sync problems. It will become available via the App Store’s update facility as soon as it has passed Apple’s review.
Already two years online but definitely worth watching: Power user Matthew McCullough shares how he uses DEVONthink Pro Office for easily capturing information from the web for offline use and research. Matthew about his screencast: … (more)
Did you know that you can select clickable web addresses in e.g. and choose DEVONnote/DEVONthink: Take Rich Note in the Services menu to create a bookmark in your database? Unfortunately this does not work for links in Safari. To add a bookmark for them instead of creating a rich text document drag them to DEVONnote’s or DEVONthink’s dock icon.
Historian and power user Rachel Leow has recently published a thorough review of DEVONthink Pro Office in Perspectives on History. She explains how she uses our software for her research and where the obstacles are when trying to reach the Holy Grail, the paperless office. Rachel introduces us into this conundrum: … (more)
Our applications have always come with a user interface localized to German, our user forum has a German language board, and our sales support is happy to reply pre-sales questions in German, too. Starting today also our website is available fully localized. So if you are from Germany, Austria or Switzerland or speak German of other reasons feel free to click the new little German flag at the bottom of our website to read our solution descriptions, product pages, etc. all in German language. (more)
Das musste ja passieren: Wir übersetzen mühselig unsere Webseite ins Deutsche und kaum sind wir fertig, bekommen wir in unserer Zentrale einen anonymen Anruf, der uns verkündet, dass man uns einen Streich gespielt habe. Irgendwo auf unseren neuen deutschsprachigen Seiten versteckt sich jetzt anscheinend ein Hinweis auf einen bekannten Fall der drei nicht ganz unbekannten, ewig jugendlichen Detektive aus Rocky Beach, Kalifornien, der drei Fragezeichen! Aber wo? (more)
Recently we had to pull the freeware application Grid from the App Store. Grid allows you to position windows using your keyboard and an on-screen grid. Unfortunately Apple’s strict sandboxing rules no longer allow third-party apps access to e.g. the Accessibility kit which Grid needs to move the windows. (more)
Marko Hehl works as a freelance photographer in Chemnitz, Germany, European Union.
Marko Hehl works as a freelance photographer and curator in Germany, European Union. Marko uses analog and digital cameras and both DEVONthink and DEVONagent for his creative work.
My main themes in things photography are people and their relationship to their urban area. I’m influenced by Japanese photographers from the so-called ‘Provoke’ period. (more)
Dr. Hagen Böser works as a psychotherapist in Frankfurt, Germany, European Union.
Dr. Hagen Böser works as a psychotherapist in Germany, European Union, as well as an educator in an institute for family therapy. Hagen uses both DEVONthink and DEVONagent for his daily work.
I am a medical doctor working in the field of psychotherapy. My main business is educating professionals to become systemic family therapists, counselors and supervisors. (more)
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