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Articles tagged with devonagent

November 28, 2006

Use Keywords in DEVONagent

Are you still typing “” over and over into the address field of a DEVONagent web browser window just to quickly look up a vendor’s web address? Don’t do it again. There’s a smarter way: In DEVONagent, some plugins (which are basically interfaces between the application and the search engine) come with predefined keywords that you can simply type into the address field, followed by a query (in the search engine’s format; don’t enter one of DEVONagent’s more sophisticated operators here.) DEVONagent will send you query to the desired search engine and show the result page. (more)

September 22, 2006

Let DEVONagent Do the Work for You!

I promised to add more mini tutorials to the DEVONacademy, and, here they are: Three more tutorials for DEVONagent that explain how to use the built-in Web browser, how to create your own search set, and how to use the heavily underestimated automation features of DEVONagent. Our Internet research assistant not only queries search engines and scans URLs to give you answers to your questions quicky and accurately, it can also do this completely unattended and notify you when its done, send you the results by email or, best of all, run a script that you can use to do whatever is possible with AppleScript. (more)