German power user ”Denkenswert” writes in his blog about how to use DEVONthink more productively. In two articles he talks about how to use pre-fab and user-defined templates to work faster with DEVONthink. (more)
Some people use TJ HD’s excellent Language Switcher to start applications with a localization different than the system’s default language. Unfortunately this only starts the app in the other localization but breaks proper localization support for internal but independent elements such as smart templates or AppleScript scripts. So if you are using Language Switcher and experience that some smart templates or scripts don’t work please use it without Language Switcher.
Keyboard Maestro allows you to automate things in almost any Mac app and assign it a shortcut. Even cooler is that when you assign the same shortcut to multiple macros Keyboard Maestro shows a head-up display with a list of all macros with this shortcut for you to choose from. (more)
From time to time I cannot resist to posting some feedback we receive, especially when it’s from people who usually don’t give any feedback to companies. Like Tony Vanderharst from Melbourne, Australia: … (more)
Our friends over at TidBITS, one of the longest-running Internet publications, have set up a new membership program to support their excellent news service. By joining as a member you do not only support the editors but you also get access to some cool benefits like an ad-free view on the website, a full-text RSS feed, early access to new articles, and great discounts on all Take Control ebooks and Mac software like LaunchBar, 1Password, and … DEVONthink, DEVONagent Pro, and DEVONnote. Visit TidBITS, become a member, and save 25 percent on your apps!
Just in time for the Christmas holidays in many parts of the world we have released a number of maintenance updates for all editions of DEVONthink, DEVONagent, and DEVONnote.
Download the apps from our download page. To directly update your copy open the app and choose Check for Update in the app’s application menu (the one labeled with the application’s name).
It’s update season here at DEVONtechnologies — and you shouldn’t miss it! We have added new functionality and eye candy, made all apps faster and more reliable, and, of course, fixed dozens of bugs and glitches. And we have added a brand new freeware app: Grid!
German handbook writer Michael Malzahn has put together a brand new workbook for DEVONthink in German language. DEVONthink — Das Arbeitsbuch introduces the reader to our information management software step-by-step from the installation to the deepest corners of the program. Many screenshots, tables, and a keyboard shortcut list make the 248-page ebook a must-have for German-language DEVONthink users. (more)
The ScanSnap is addictive, and I’ve hardly begun to learn how to use it. Here’s how cool it is: My son comes home from the first day of school with a fistful of forms and handouts. I open the scanner, stick them in, choose an option from the ScanSnap icon in the Dock, and push the big blue button on the scanner. Within moments (or minutes if I chose to run OCR) the entire pile is onscreen, even the double-sided forms and the pages that emerge from the backpack slightly crumpled. (more)
What method to use for capturing thoughts is a highly subjective subject: some write outlines, some just a simple text, and some prefer mind maps. DEVONthink supports text and very simple outlines (e.g. using rich text lists), but not (yet) mind maps. Some options are: … (more)
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