Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles in the category Miscellaneous

March 19, 2009

New Twitter Account: @devontech

In the presumably hopeless attempt to separate between the official DEVONtechnologies news and my personal replies and comments I have just switched this blog’s auto-tweet function to our company’s corporate Twitter account. If you are following me but want to receive official news, too, please follow @devontech (and if you only want to read those, feel free to un-follow me, of course).

March 12, 2009

Working at Starbucks, but No WiFi

Long-standing readers will know that I like to work in local coffee shops and cafés. This January the first Starbucks opened in my area, about 20km north of Stuttgart, Germany. So I just had to try it — see the picture below. Reasonable coffee, agreed. But: WiFi was not yet operational and Starbucks in Germany does not offer it for free but you need to either pay by the minute or have a T-Mobile or T-Online subscription. Dear Starbucks, welcome to the 21st century — time to reconsider this antique concept. (more)

February 19, 2009

Our Official Business Hours

Sometimes people are asking for our business hours. While our headquarter is in beautiful Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA, most of us live someplace else in the world (we’re one of the world’s smallest fully globalized companies). But this Summer, when I visited our support hero Bill DeVille, we visited the Fig Tree Gallery & Coffee Shop which solves this conundrum so elegantly that we have decided to take over their official business hours. See the picture above. (more)

February 11, 2009

OCR Seeded to Beta Testers

We have finished the main work on the by-pass circumventing the bugs in the ABBYY OCR engine that kept us from releasing it to the public two weeks ago. We have just posted a beta to our beta tester group and are now preparing to release a new public beta as soon as we have received enough hopefully positive reports from our beta testers.

February 5, 2009

Status Report on OCR

Just a quick update on our progress on the OCR side. While ABBYY was unable to reproduce the bug that affects the conversion of a multi-page PDF into separate images, we have now written a by-pass that does this before feeding the data into the OCR engine. This has also other advantages, e.g. the ability to run OCR also on very large documents without running into memory problems. We are now writing the new thread handling that we need for this workaround and hope to begin internal testing tonight or tomorrow morning. (more)

February 2, 2009

A Word on OCR and Why It's Missing

Last Friday we had to release DEVONthink Pro Office 2.0 public beta 2 without an embedded OCR engine – which is truly annoying for you and us.

Starting with version 2.0 of DEVONthink Pro Office we are moving from the IRIS engine to the ABBYY FineReader engine which produces way smaller PDFs, is more accurate, and much smarter to embed into our application. Where the IRIS engine was an external program remotely controlled by DEVONthink, the engine provided by ABBYY is a true framework that we can directly embed and control. You will see this soon in a much improved ‘OCR Activity’ panel and no other OCR windows popping up for every page. (more)

January 7, 2009

We're Back

Just a quick note that we’re back from the Christmas holidays. A Happy New Year and a great start into 2009 to everyone!

December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. (more)

November 25, 2008

Lately, in Eric's Kitchen

I already told you a number of times that we’re currently focused fully on getting version 2.0 ready for the public beta phase. So DEVONthink, DEVONthink, is all we’re thinking about. Need a proof? This is what accidently created itself (no kidding!) lately when I was making pancakes. I’m considering this a good omen. (more)

October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

If you happen to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve in your place in the world, we all wish you a happy and scary Halloween!

PS: If it’s a bit quiet here on the blog — we’re all busy to get DEVONthink 2.0 ready for beta :-)