Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles in the category Miscellaneous

October 6, 2008

More on DEVONthink 2.0

It’s been a while since my last update on the development status of DEVONthink 2.0. We have continued to work on it silently but full steam ahead. We’re now very close to reaching the internal beta phase so I have posted a quick update to the development status thread in our announcement board.

September 18, 2008

Back from the States, and Some Insight

As I had posted here before my vacation, we were not just visiting Chicago, IL, and the wonderful Lake Michigan in the last three weeks, but we also invaded Bill DeVille’s log cabin. We spend a wonderful and relaxing week with literally tons of great barbecue. Staying miles away from any civilization somewhere the Indiana forest has … challenges to it … but we mastered. And, I finally found out why we only get good marks for our customer support and so few complaints: See what I spotted on Bill’s mantelpiece. (more)

June 19, 2008

Write About Us and We Share

Just a quick reminder: If you are writing for your own blog or you are linking to our web site for whatever other reason, be smart, grab your share in all the revenue we make from your link to us! Joining us as an affiliate is easy. Our affiliate page explains all the details in-depth, and if you want to even place a jungle-themed banner, I have worked night-shifts for you to make nice-looking ones on common formats. (more)

June 3, 2008

Are You a Consultant and DEVONtech-savvy?

At the moment, I am trying to build a network of consultants who help users of DEVONthink and DEVONagent in their area with setting up the applications, integrate it into their workflow, and share the little tips and tricks that squeeze the most of the apps. If you are working in the IT field, consider yourself savvy in DEVONthink and DEVONagent, and would like to share your expertise with a user when needed, please feel free to get in touch with me.

May 29, 2008

Some American Culture in Germany

As the President of a US company I just had to visit our local copy of an American Wild West festival. For a couple of days wanna-be cowboys and indians lived in tents, worked in small craft shops, operated a stylish saloon — and had a lot of fun! Click the image to the left to see the Swabian/German/English menu 🙂 … (more)

April 20, 2008

DEVONagent Saving a Guppy's Life

Today I had a success experience with DEVONagent that nicely shows where our software really shines, and so I wanted to share it with you. We have an aquarium now for a couple of weeks and three days ago a few of our fishes began to first show signs of “eaten” fins, then they died. Therefore I used DEVONagent today to find out what is wrong with them. Both our pet shop guy and our booklets had their suspections but, working for DEVONtechnologies, I had to start researching on my own, too. I used the following query and the standard Internet (Fast Scan) search set: … (more)

April 1, 2008

Bill in Custody

Just a quick note in case that you’re waiting for email replies from our support guru Bill. On a short holiday in his old home, Louisiana, Bill got arrested, unfortunately. He just wanted to go and buy some cigarettes and so he bound his pet alligator to a hydrant in front of the shop. Fortune wasn’t on his side when the local police noticed this. According to New Orleans city law it’s forbidden to chain alligators to hydrants. Bill, Bill, … why didn’t you just use the street lamp just two meters next to the hydrant? We’re doing our best to get Bill out of custody as quickly as possible and we’ll keep you posted. (more)

March 20, 2008

Happy Easter

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you a peaceful Easter weekend, wherever you are on this planet, whatever culture you’re part of, and whatever you believe in!

Yours Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann & the DEVONtechnologies team … (more)

March 13, 2008

DEVONtechnologies, ExactCode Sign Agreement

With Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Apple broke scan support not only for DEVONthink Pro Office but for all third-party applications using the Image Capture framework. We have been working with Apple on the issue but still to no avail. We have now signed an agreement with the Berlin based scan software maker ExactCode and behind the scenes we’re both working hard to get the scan support in DEVONthink Pro Office back on-line again. Stay tuned!