Journalists and bloggers: Don’t miss our updated Press Center. I have added a self-service option for our PR distribution list so that you can subscribe or unsubscribe to our press releases yourself now. A new form makes it easier for you to request not-for-resale licenses for your publication. And, of course, you will find all our recent and older press releases here as well as materials such as box shots, screenshot packages, and our company logo in print-ready resolution.
All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. (more)
In the user forum, whenever someone asks for such features as: opening multiple databases simultaneously, Spotlight support, or the DEVONagent topics map; we referred to the nebulous version 2.0 of DEVONthink. Those features come with huge changes to the underlying architecture. We didn’t want to squeeze these in interim updates. And now many of you are waiting impatiently for it to arrive. But don’t think that we’ve spend the last year picking our noses! We have been developing a brand new product that we’re going to reveal as soon as everything is done that needs to be done. And what is this mysterious, nebulous product all about? Of course it will be highly professional, scalable and ultra-fast. And it will be easy to use, too.
Some of the more attentive readers among you will remember that Bill, our always-on customer support, has moved to Indiana, USA, lately. But, even though he now lives in a (fully networked) log cabin someplace in the woods, he is by no means alone! When Bill looks up from his MacBook Pro, he’s often being watched by nice fellows like this one here. Isn’t this cool? (more)
Free mail users, listen up! Thanks to very low rate of chargebacks and returns, we’re now able to accept free mail addresses for purchasing in our online shop without any additional charge or delay. Our shop is run by the professional Internet sales agent Share-It! who is also responsible for all our customer relations on the sales level. (more)
Four years after the release of DEVONbaby No. 1 on October 1, 2003, we’ve today, September 30, 2007, released DEVONbaby No 2 — Yesterday morning at 05:30 CET, Kristián Karas was born in Budweis, CZ, son of our head developer Christian Grunenberg and his wife Hana Karasová. So, please, no complaints that we’re unable to plan ahead, or that we miss deadlines. Kristián weighs 3870g, and both mother and child are tired but healthy and well. Again, we expect no further updates as Kristián was already delivered as bug-free as such a product could ever be. We all here at DEVONtechnologies welcome our new global citizen and wish Kristián, Hana, and Christian all the best for their new life as a family. — Eric, Annard, and Bill
Bill DeVille, our head supporter and true evangelist for the DEVONbelief, has moved from warm and wet Louisiana to colder Indiana. Right after his 75th birthday, Bill has bought this wonderful Log Cabin in the woods of Indiana, which was first built in 1901, then in 1932, and finally in 1974. So, parts of the cabin are more than 100 years old. Today, the log cabin is up-to-date with central heating, air conditioning, good insulation as well as modern windows. (more)
A few weeks a go we were walking through the pedestrian zone of Besigheim, another small town now far away, to a nice German restaurant. By accident, I discovered that the 49th latitude runs straight through the ped zone. While I am not into geo-what-o-ever, I couldn’t resist to at least take a photo :-) … (more)
Even on vacation in the far south of France, the DEVONians don’t let me go. Look what I have found in the local shop that interestingly also sells British food products — anyone any idea why one should do this? Seems we have found a good name for our next product! Now it’s up to you to guess what it will be … … (more)
This blog is named “The Balcony” and so it’s time to publish a new picture from our lovely town, now that summer is here — in April! See yourself. Not taken from our balcony itself but a nice view on our town center, less than three minutes away from here. (more)
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