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Articles in the category Miscellaneous

April 23, 2014

New German-Language DEVONagent ebook

DEVONagent Pro is your personal assistant for pro-grade search and research on the Internet. While it uses public search engines it refines the results using its built-in artificial intelligence. It them presents them in innovative ways. (more)

April 1, 2014

Your Data in the Cloud, Transparent and Free

Google has dramatically lowered the price for their web storage and so has Amazon.  However, cheap is not free. And free trumps, doesn’t it? Today we’re happy to announce our own cloud service: DEVONglass. Synchronize all your databases transparently between your Macs (and eventually also your iOS devices) completely free-of-cost, no matter how much data you have. To make this service possible we have partnered with governmental institutions in the US and, for our European customers, the UK. (more)

January 17, 2014

More on Scotsman Cycling for ALD Center in Aberdeen

In summer 2013 we supported Fred Sarran’s great fundraising initiative Cycling for ALD (Adults with a Learning Disability). Fred cycled 450 miles in eleven days all around Scotland in support of the donations for Balnagask Court Arts, Crafts and Activities. (more)

December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family Merry Christmas. We wish you a peaceful holiday time, wherever in the world you are, whatever you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. Have a great start into an exciting new year 2014! (more)

October 1, 2013

Interview: Prof. Dr. Frank Thissen

Frank Thissen lives in Karlsruhe, Germany, and teaches at the Stuttgart Media University.

A few months ago I got into contact with Dr. Frank Thissen, lecturer at the Stuttgart Media University (Hochschule der Medien, HdM) in Germany. Frank is a DEVONthink power user and we exchanged a lot of ideas on how our apps fit into the university ecosystem. This May I also had the opportunity to give a presentation at the HdM. (more)

September 27, 2013

Shedworking with (Baroque) Style

You may know that I like to work from places other than my office, e.g. from our local coffee shop. This summer we finally completed the renovation of our old garden house: a new roof, new door and windows, carpet, painted walls, electricity and (via D-LAN) Internet. Completed by a baroque-style secretary it now makes a nice little retreat from the everyday office and family madness. (more)

July 1, 2013

An Update on DEVONthink To Go

I n our user forum, via Twitter, and by email quite a few of you are asking us about the future of DEVONthink To Go, the iOS companion to DEVONthink for Mac. I already mentioned that we’re working on a new release and so I want to give you an update on our progress. (more)

May 14, 2013

Good Bye, Hardy

An old friend of mine and fellow software developer, Hardy Macia from Catamount Software, passed away tonight after a long fight against cancer. We met just twice in person, once when we lived in Munich and he called in for an evening, and again when I drove up from Boston to his house, the “Train Station”. He showed me how life would be as an independent software vendor and I had him in mind when I quit my day job to run DEVONtechnologies. (more)

May 13, 2013

Supporting Scottish Cyclist for ALD center in Aberdeen

A few weeks ago we got contacted by Frederick Sarran from Scotland trying to raise funds for Balnagask Court in Torry, Aberdeen, a complex for Adults with Learning Disabilities (ALD) and Mental Health issues. From his website: … (more)

May 4, 2013

Welcome, Earthling!

Yesterday, May 3rd, 2013, at 5 p.m. CET Dominik, the third child of Christian, our head developer, safely arrived after a nine month long flight through time and space. Mother and child are well and happy. The ground staff and all of us here at DEVONtechnologies congratulate the parents and welcome the new earth citizen!