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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles in the category Miscellaneous

May 3, 2012

Where Does the Name DEVONtechnologies Come From?

No, we don’t have a founder named Devon. And we’re not from Devon, United Kingdom, Europe. The name actually comes from the Devonian period:

“Devonian (after Devon County, England), the geologic period from 410 to 360 million years ago. Also called the Reptile Age or Age of Fishes. First amphibians appeared on the land, that until then was only inhabited by trees and other plants — it was the departure into a new age.” … (more)

April 19, 2012

Read Our Documentation on Your Favorite Ebook Reader

Some might not know but the documentation that is built into DEVONthink, DEVONnote, and DEVONagent Pro was always also available as PDF. But after the relaunch of our website they looked strangely old-fashioned I have to admit. In the last few weeks I reworked the layout and adapted it to our new design. And, as I was at it, I dropped the landscape-oriented PDF for reading on the screen in favor of an ebook. (more)

December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. (more)

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The first Advent is approaching, here in Germany the first Christmas markets have already opened, and people are decorating their homes for Christmas with hundreds of beautiful and warm lights.Time to remind ourselves that we should be grateful for all the good things that happened to us in the past year. So wherever you are in the world, I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Enjoy the upcoming Christmas season!

July 27, 2011

DEVONagent Express and PhotoStickies Passed the Review

Finally, three weeks after we have posted version 3.0.3 of DEVONagent Express to Apple for review the new release is finally available in the Mac App Store. You can download it through the App Store app (which sounds a bit like a hiccup, BTW).  And PhotoStickies has made it, too. That means that our first freeware application for the Mac ever released now also made the jump. Click here to get it.