Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles in the category Miscellaneous

July 20, 2011

These Apps are Compatible to OS X 10.7 Lion

Today Apple released OS X 10.7 Lion to the App Store. And now you might wonder which of our apps are already Lion-compatible? Here’s the list or all apps that we have recently updated and tested for full compatibility with Apple’s brand new operating system: … (more)

July 15, 2011

We Sync This is Truly Exciting (Spoken with German Accent)

For quite a while we have been talking about adding sync capabilities to DEVONthink that allow to sync databases between multiple Macs. I am proud to announce that today we have distributed the first alpha to our team of beta testers with another (and last) alpha following early August before we start the public beta test in later August. (more)

April 21, 2011

Happy Easter

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you a peaceful Easter weekend, wherever you are on this planet, whatever culture you’re part of, and whatever you believe in.

Yours Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann & the DEVONtechnologies team … (more)

April 6, 2011

This Time for Real: Welcome, Jon and Alan

Some among you may have discovered that we were presumably not that interested in Jon’s ZX Spectrum BASIC programming skills. But, in fact, Jon Hjelle did really join our team, just like Alan Edwards. (more)

March 4, 2011

Status Update on DEVONthink To Go

It’s been a while since we released an update for DEVONthink To Go. A developer left our company, slowing down our development pace. We have now taken up again on it and have already seeded version 1.1 to our beta team. Version 1.1, which we hope to submit to Apple in about two weeks, will include e.g. the possibility to record voice and video notes, show labels and flags in all lists, and fix a large number of reported bugs.

February 17, 2011

Visiting with Joe Kissell

Just before Christmas Joe Kissell, the author of Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2, Take Control of Your Paperless Office and many other great books, called and told me that he would be driving from his home in Paris, France, to Nürnberg, Germany. He managed to make a pit-stop and we managed to have lunch at the Rossknecht, a traditional German-cuisine restaurant here in Bietigheim-Bissingen, right in the middle of the busy Sternlesmarkt Christmas market. (more)

February 11, 2011

Artificial Intelligence at Work

We’re working with high-class artificial intelligence (AI) technology now for quite a while and still it sometimes manages to surprise us with exciting results. In our recent tests with DEVONagent it came up with the following really cool topic map: … (more)

January 13, 2011

DEVONtech On the Go

One of the advantages of an Internet-based software business is that we’re not as strongly tied to our offices than other people. And so we like to use our freedom to work in other places that we like, that have some advantages that very day (e.g. save us from driving a second round-trip to pick up our children), or that just have better coffee. Want to see how we’re working? See two current ‘office’ shots. (more)

December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. Yours Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann & the DEVONtechnologies team … (more)