Over the weekend we have fixed the … problem of the two popovers appearing simultaneously on screen and also made the info screen appear inside the document list popover in portrait mode on the iPad. We hope that this satisfies Apple’s concerns with the user interface and that they do not find other problems that they have not informed us of in the first round. We have just submitted the updated binary and will keep you updated on any change.
I promised to keep you updated on any change in the review status of DEVONthink To Go. Yesterday our submission was rejected by Apple because in a very rare case two pop-up windows could appear at the same time. Nobody would ever step into this except for by accident but seems to be against the interface guidelines. We are preparing a general fix for this issue and will resubmit as quickly as possible. More soon on this channel.
While DEVONthink To Go is still ‘waiting for review’, we are using the time for our annual gathering, when the most of the team comes together from all over the world to talk about our plans for the forthcoming months. And as usual, the flights from North America to Europe are delayed. Thank god the sun is shining and the San Francisco Coffee Company at the Stuttgart Airport has great coffee, chocolate muffins, cold water, and free WiFi. (more)
We are already present on Twitter and Facebook where I also post my blog articles and also some unrelated stuff like my progress on our iPhone/iPad application. Recently, LinkedIn has added company profiles to their network and if you are a LinkedIn user please feel free to follow us on your preferred social network, too.
Today I it was for the very first time this year warm and sunny enough for me to work on the balcony — the one balcony that gave this blog its name. People are sitting outside and are having a cup of coffee on my hometown’s market square. That’s how I should be! (more)
With the addition of simple geo-location support to our upcoming iPhone application (see: It’s Beta Time Again) and the rise of Facebook and Twitter, one of the next releases of DEVONthink will support geo-location and social network services, too. (more)
If you care about our climate, please feel free to join the WWF Earth Hour project today, Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 at 8.30 pm your local time. DEVONtechnologies supports the WWF with a monthly donation.
Quite a few of you have already contacted us and asked if we are planning an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad companion to DEVONthink. Our answer always was: ‘Stay tuned.’ Starting today it is: ‘Yes, and it’s already in beta test’. (more)
All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. (more)
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