If you are using the MacUpdate Desktop app to update the software on your computer please be careful: DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office are using the same “Bundle ID” to make both of them compatible to e.g. the same scripts and Automator actions. Unfortunately MacUpdate Desktop is using the Bundle ID for identifying updates. So it can happen that it, out of confusion, updates a DEVONthink Pro to a Pro Office or vice versa which then of course, asks for a proper license code. (more)
Last week I have posted an article that we don’t expect too many issued with Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’. Now Snow Leopard is here and the list of issues is in fact a very short one for a a larger OS upgrade. If you plan on upgrading or already have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’, here are a list of issues to expect: … (more)
Today Apple announced the availability of Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’ for August 28. We have already received a lot of questions regarding compatibility of our applications to the new release of the operating system. So here’s our statement: … (more)
Just in time for the Christmas holidays our FileMaker server failed and corrupted our customer and license database. We have, of course, tons of backups and I restored all functionality but it may be that some recently added licenses have not made it. So if you have recently purchased (within the last five days, approximately) and have not received your license code, please email us and we’ll see what happened to your license here in our database. Sorry for the hassles.
So far the DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.0 public beta launch went pretty well, which is, I think, a good sign :-) But we are currently under heavy load from all the various enquiries, from bug reports to upgrading questions. So if you sent us email and have not yet received a reply — please be patient. We’re answering one question at a time but we will answer all of them.
After two days of hard HTML and CSS work, our new forum software is now online.The new version 3.0 of phpBB does not only add many useful features for both users and administrators but is hopefully also a bit more spam resistant than the earlier versions. Please note that we have also moved the forum’s address so if you had bookmarked the board’s direct address or suscribed to its RSS feed you should update your links now.
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