Still nothing to read during the holidays? If you are interested in artificial intelligence, the Turing Test, and chatbots and would like to read something that makes you think have a look at Brian Christian’s ”The Most Human Human”. Here’s what Laura Miller says about it in her article, Can Computers Truly Think?: … (more)
Keyboard Maestro allows you to automate things in almost any Mac app and assign it a shortcut. Even cooler is that when you assign the same shortcut to multiple macros Keyboard Maestro shows a head-up display with a list of all macros with this shortcut for you to choose from. (more)
If you are using email encryption on the Mac you are very likely using S/MIME, e.g. with a Verisign certificate. Unfortunately your certificate is not automatically synchronized with your iDevice so that you can read your encrypted messages also on-the-go. But, it’ became possible with iOS 5. Ars Technica has a good article about how to secure your email communication and make it work also with your iPhone or iPad. Read it here.
Cool tip from one of our users: the US $1.99 app TurboScan turns your iPhone into a mobile scanner. Using the Open in… mechanism you can even send the created PDFs to DEVONthink To Go.
German handbook writer Michael Malzahn has put together a brand new workbook for DEVONthink in German language. DEVONthink — Das Arbeitsbuch introduces the reader to our information management software step-by-step from the installation to the deepest corners of the program. Many screenshots, tables, and a keyboard shortcut list make the 248-page ebook a must-have for German-language DEVONthink users. (more)
What method to use for capturing thoughts is a highly subjective subject: some write outlines, some just a simple text, and some prefer mind maps. DEVONthink supports text and very simple outlines (e.g. using rich text lists), but not (yet) mind maps. Some options are: … (more)
To add a table to a rich text document place your insertion caret, then choose Format > Table. An empty table is inserted and the standard Mac RTF table panel appears that lets you change e.g. the numbers of rows and columns. (more)
If you are using Getting Things Done (GTD) you know the concept of a “tickler file”: folders for all twelve months with sub-folders for each day of the month (also known as “43 folders”). You place documents into the sub-folder of the day on which you will need the document. If you want to postpone the task you move the document forward to another day. (more)
By default everything you drag onto DEVONthink’s or DEVONnote’s Dock icon or add e.g. through its services is added to the inbox. This is convenient if you don’t want to interrupt your workflow just a file a note, capture some text, or file a document. (more)
If you want to take part in the financial market hysteria PhotoStickies can be of help: Find a good live ticket image you want to keep an eye on and open it as an image sticky in PhotoStickies. Now use some of the filters to make it transparent and move it to the background layer. Voilà. No more reason for staying calm just because you “don’t know”. (more)
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