Using Keyboard Maestro you can automate emptying DEVONthink’s trash including dismissing the confirmation dialog. For this create a new Keyboard Maestro macro with the following steps:
If you like the idea of automating things, you should have a look at Keyboard Maestro. (more)
Very often documents are connected to actions, e.g. “contact these guys”, “pay this bill”, or “discuss this with the team”. You can create a 43 folder setup in DEVONthink (see the “Getting Things Done” concept) to remind yourself of them or manually add tasks to your preferred calendar or task manager, e.g. iCal, OmniFocus, or Things. (more)
DEVONthink and DEVONnote already come with a number of plain and smart templates for everyday use. You can find them in the Data > New from Template menu. But you can easily also add your own documents to this menu. (more)
The View menu in DEVONthink and DEVONnote lets you do more than just switch between the various views. Check View > Widescreen to adjust the split and three-panes layouts for wide screens; uncheck this option for a layout fitted to smaller screens. (more)
DEVONagent 3 introduced a menu added to the right-hand side of the menu bar. Using this menu extra you can run quick searches directly from within any other app on your Mac and view the results right there in the menu, just like when using Spotlight. (more)
When browsing the web with DEVONagent try the See Also button (looks like the stovepipe hats that magicians use to conjure rabbits) on the right-hand side of the browser window’s toolbar. It opens a sidebar that shows related documents from DEVONagent’s own archive from open DEVONthink Pro (Office) databases, and from the web. (more)
Everything on your Mac seems to be mouse-centric. But the Mac also features hundreds of useful keyboard shortcuts for accessing the menu bar and other clickables. In addition, many Emacs-compatible and almost unknown keyboard shortcuts work in every Cocoa application, e.g. Control-T for exchanging the character in front of the cursor with the one after the cursor or Control-K for deleting until the end of the line. (more)
After Yahoo!’s announcement to sell quite a few people were looking for a safer home for their bookmarks. And found Pinboard. If you are among them you may like the following script by Rafael Bugajewski which imports your Pinboard bookmarks into DEVONthink. Click here to download the script.
Just a quick note that Ammonite has been updated to version 1.6. The new version can replicate results to a group in DEVONthink, shows the number of results in the window title, and can keep the search string when removing tags from the query. Ammonite is a stand-alone HUD (head-up display) giving quick access to the contents of your DEVONthink databases from any other application. (more)
DEVONthink Pro comes with smart templates for integrating bibliographic data from Sente 6 as notes. Power user and scripter Rob Trew has published an additional script that sends selected notes to DEVONthink including attachments. (more)
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