June 11, 2019
DEVONthink 3.0 Public Beta 3

After the first and second public beta of DEVONthink 3 with its hundreds of new features and improvements we have today released the third beta. It brings another wave of enhancements and fixes. (more)
After the first and second public beta of DEVONthink 3 with its hundreds of new features and improvements we have today released the third beta. It brings another wave of enhancements and fixes. (more)
Four weeks ago we’ve released the first public beta of DEVONthink 3 with hundreds of new features and improvements. Today it’s being followed by the second public beta. With the helpful input from our intrepid testers it brings a wealth of additions, changes, and fixes. (more)
While we’re still preparing some things behind the curtain we’ve released a maintenance update for DEVONthink today. In version 2.11.3 we’ve enhanced Markdown and MultiMarkdown support including CriticMarkup, added automatic spelling correction to HTML-based documents, and made detecting WikiLinks up to 70 times faster. (more)
Just that we let DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.11.2 out this Tuesday, maintenance releases for DEVONagent and DEVONsphere have hit the street.
The updates fix a sporadic crash when accessing the Preferences panel as well as some visual artifacts. In DEVONagent Pro and Express 3.11.1 we’ve also added support for JSON news feeds, and improved RSS feed handling in general. DEVONsphere 1.9.3 gets support for the Open Packing Format (.opf) and better indexes packages likes RTFD documents. We’ve also made it detect the current web page in the Vivaldi and Brave web browsers in See Also. (more)
Today’s update for DEVONthink and DEVONnote is all about improving the overall reliability. It fixes a sporadic crash when accessing the Preferences pane on macOS Mojave, issues with Brother and Epson scanners, and a problem with DEVONnote reporting RTFD documents as missing. (more)
Today DEVONthink To Go 2.7.1 has become available on the iOS App Store.
The maintenance release comes with an updated PDF library which fixes a crash during indexing PDF documents. Version 2.7.1 also deletes temporary files used for synchronizing with iCloud as soon as a file is fully uploaded. Direct connections prefer IPv6 now if both IPv4 and IPv6 are available. Finally, the update improves the overall robustness of the app. (more)
DEVONthink 2.11 and DEVONthink To Go 2.7, released today, add push notifications to the synchronization. Whenever you now make changes to your databases our app sends notifications to all your other devices telling them that something new is waiting for them. That means that it takes much less time before changes are available on all your devices. And as a bonus, it lets us wake up DEVONthink To Go, even when your iPhone or iPad is still in your pocket or bag, and pull the new data in the background. (more)
Search sets are part of what makes DEVONagent so powerful for serious research. Whatever the topic of the search, they run it on multiple search engines, crawl sites, post-filter the results, archive them, and finally hand them over to other apps or AppleScript. DEVONagent Pro 3.11 reorganizes search sets into groups. This allows to create and use more search sets for even specific use cases without cluttering the menus or losing track. (more)
Halloween’s over and the ghouls have hoarded the sweets they need to survive until Christmas.
On a side note, DEVONthink To Go 2.6.5 has become available too. The maintenance release indexes items without searchable text locally, e.g. email synchronized from DEVONthink Pro, and enhances the way it handles the keyboard when searching. It also improves the reliability of retrieving web page thumbnails, the progress indication when verifying and cleaning sync stores, and the overall reliability and performance of the synchronization. (more)
Into this week’s maintenance release for DEVONthink and DEVONnote we’ve packed support for Fujitsu’s new ScanSnap Home application, a modernized web server, compatibility adjustments for macOS Mojave, and more. (more)