To archive a web page within DEVONthink, use the contextual menu. First, select the Link document in question to view the web page ‘live.’ Control-click or right-click the background of the page to show options that are affect the whole page, not a specific item on it. Now, choose ‘Capture Web Archive’ to save the current state of this page as a web archive (the HTML code including all images required to display it) directly into the database. Even if the web page changes over time, this captured web archive won’t. (more)
Lifehacker has posted a nice review, sort of, of DEVONthink with a good comments thread that also touches a few ways on how to use DEVONthink. Feel free to add your own comments :-)
One simple way to improve the Classify feature of DEVONthink is to exclude certain groups and documents from being used for classification. You could, e.g., exclude groups with indexed backup CDs or archived mailing lists from classification because they are ‘atypical’ for the contents of this database but you want to them in there anyway for easy access. To exclude an item from being used for classification, select it, open the Info panel (Tools > Show Info) and check ‘Exclude from classification.’
We all are back from our Christmas holidays and we are already preparing for an exciting 2007! Steve Jobs already gave it an interesting kick-off with the amazing iPhone and with finalizing the transformating of the computer company Apple Computer, Inc. to the electronics ecosystem company Apple, Inc. that had begun years ago with the introduction of the iPod. Well, if it helps the (Mac) OS X market share, then we’re happy with it. And if they open the iPhone for third-party applications, we’ll definitely have a close look at it, promised! ;-)
The whole DEVONtechnologies team wishes Bill DeVille all the best for his 75th birthday. Enjoy your wonderfully prepared and tasty Hallelujah Crab at Juban’s (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A.), Bill!
Yours Eric Boehnisch-Volkmann & the DEVONtechnologies team
We here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful Christmas time. May it be a time of peace and reflection for all of you, wherever in the world you are, whatever religion you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. (more)
No Tuesday Tip today, but one, no!, two updates: We have just released the second public beta of DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office 1.3. DEVONthink Pro Office fixes a number of bug and adds a few requested features, and DEVONthink Pro 1.3b2 brings all the changes we have made to DEVONthink Pro in the recent weeks but have only published as part of DEVONthink Pro Office. (more)
A lot has been written about MacHeist in the last couple of days, serious criticism and defense. And as we participated in various promotion events recently, I want to say a few words to this controversy and about our engagement with MacHeist, MacZOT, and MacAppADay. To make it short, Oliver Breidenbach from Boinx Software and Roustem Karimov from have said it all. I totally agree with them. (more)
While many people, especially in Germany, are complaining at the moment about everything becoming worse, this perception is distorted. Yes, some managers sack thousands of people only to drive their company’s shareholder value into even higher heights. The German health care system reform is a mess. And unemployment is dropping very slowly. But, from a meta perspective, this is clearly “Lamenting at the Top Level.” For people in many other regions of this World, our wealth and our high standard of living is beyond imagination. (more)
Last month I had announced that we’d send DEVONthink Pro Office to our team of beta testers. Now, we’ve released it as a public beta for all of you! Check out our updated product page including the unique features and the screenshots. Compare it with the other editions of DEVONthink. And, finally, DOWNLOAD and TRY it! (more)
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