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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

November 28, 2006

Use Keywords in DEVONagent

Are you still typing “” over and over into the address field of a DEVONagent web browser window just to quickly look up a vendor’s web address? Don’t do it again. There’s a smarter way: In DEVONagent, some plugins (which are basically interfaces between the application and the search engine) come with predefined keywords that you can simply type into the address field, followed by a query (in the search engine’s format; don’t enter one of DEVONagent’s more sophisticated operators here.) DEVONagent will send you query to the desired search engine and show the result page. (more)

November 16, 2006

A Sandals Moment

Many of you who are using our software now for a long time know that we’re sensible to today’s major problems, among them the unequal distribution of resources (leading to poverty and starvation in a rich world) and the destruction of our planet through pollution. So, some may ask, where are these sandal moments? Buried in commercialism? No, by no means. Here’s one again: We have just switched our electricity provider from traditional power, which is nuclear power here, to hydro-electric power. It’s environment friendly, does it not produce any waste, and, best of all, it’s cheaper, too. So, the DEVONtechnologies servers are now powered by a small hydro-electric 3 million kWh power station located just about 300 meters from here. It was build right after the second world war and was completely modernized just four years ago. By night, it’s even nicely illuminated! (more)

November 10, 2006

DEVONtechnologies in Malta

Our developer Annard Brouwer moved recently from Budapest, Hungary, to sunny Malta. And besides making the DEVONthink Pro Office plugins and lying around lazily in the sun, he’s now also demoing our applications at the local Mac show! So, if you happen to be in Malta (lucky you!) this weekend, visit him!

November 3, 2006

"What If You Never Forgot Anything?"

Fast Company magazine published a fascinating article about inventions that help you remember everything, starting with Vannevar Bush’s Memex and ending with — DEVONthink! The article is not available online, but you can get a copy of Fast Company magazine issue November 2006 at your local newsstand, or you can contact the publisher here.

October 31, 2006

Custom Icons in DEVONthink

Did you know that you can use custom group and document icons in DEVONthink? It works just the Mac way: Copy any image that you want to use as the icon of the item; best suitable are images of a square form with a transparent background. Then select the item in DEVONthink and open the Info panel (Tools > Show Info). Select the item’s icon and paste your graphic. It can’t be any easier, can it? By the way: This works exactly how it also works in the Finder. Custom icons are perfect for making an item stand out.

October 26, 2006

All inclusive: Emails, Scans, Web Server

What are these guys doing all the time, you may think? Just sitting on the balcony, drinking way to much tea, and shooting photos like the one below? W-R-O-N-G! We have been working really hard to bring you new, exciting things! What about this one: We have just sent the very first copy of DEVONthink Pro Office to our faithful team of beta testers — May the Preventer of System Crashes be with them! Based on DEVONthink Pro, it comes with a number of useful additions for your everyday work: … (more)

October 23, 2006

Emails to DEVONtech Got Lost

This saturday, the hard drive of my brave MacBook broke. From one second to the next, no warning, no scrating sounds, nothing. Now, it just makes click-click sounds, and I see the “System Folder Missing” icon. Well, this happens, and my MacBook is already in repair. (more)

October 12, 2006

Very Special CD Boxes

Mercury Software, our Japanese distributor, has just finished the CD boxes for the DEVONthink/DEVONagent bundle. They’re so nice I couldn’t resist to show you. BTW: This boxed bundle is exclusively available in Japan, and you’ll see why when you click the boxshot. (more)