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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

December 17, 2020

Join Us for WinterFest


WinterFest is the time when we come virtually together with other, like-minded software manufacturers. Buy DEVONthink or DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other WinterFest apps with a similar discount. (more)

December 15, 2020

Christmas Updates

Screenshot showing the DEVONagent Pro See Also inspector pane

With the new Apple Silicon Macs bringing great speed paired with long battery life it’s time for us to update more of our products for Apple’s great new architecture. Here’s some news for DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, and EasyFind. We are also updating DEVONthink To Go with bug fixes and preparations for the arrival of version 3.0. (more)

December 8, 2020

Understanding Encryption in Sync

Sync location showing encryption key

When it comes to syncing with DEVONthink, we are often asked questions about what an encryption key is and how you make and use one. Here’s a brief explanation. (more)

December 1, 2020

How to Use DEVONthink's Help

Screenshot of the DEVONthink help window

DEVONthink is a very full featured and capable application, and as such requires good documentation. Given the necessary amount of information in the help, it may seem difficult to find answers in it. Here’s how the help was written to make it easier to navigate. (more)

November 24, 2020

Black Friday Weekend

Now is the time for relaxing — and a great time to get ready for the coming year. Only from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we give 25 percent discount on all our software products and ebooks. (more)

November 18, 2020

DEVONthink 3.6

Screenshot showing the new Links Inspector in DEVONthink

Just hit DEVONthink 3 > Check for Updates and we’ll drop version 3.6 right onto your Mac. It brings, of course, some necessary changes for macOS Big Sur but also many other enhancements. (more)

November 17, 2020

How to Check Cloud Service Status

Screenshot of the Apple system status page

Many people use compatible cloud services for syncing DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. These can be useful in situations where devices need to be updated more frequently, or Bonjour connections are disallowed. However, just as any website can be unavailable, for a variety of reasons, these servers can experience downtime as well. Here are some official links to some of the services you might use, not only for syncing but just about any of your cloud storage needs. (more)

November 10, 2020

How to Organize with Smart Rules

Groups of web clippings

One of the powerful new features in DEVONthink is smart rules. An extension of smart groups, they allow you to act on the matched item when certain events happen. Since capturing web content to DEVONthink is a common task, here’s an example to show how to use smart rules to dynamically organize web clippings. (more)

November 3, 2020

How to Get Help with Our Apps

Screenshot showing the DEVONthink Help menu

In software as in life, things unexpectedly go wrong. Sometimes you can resolve things alone and sometimes you need help. For those times when you need assistance with our applications, here’s how to get help. (more)

October 29, 2020

MacPowerUsers on Research Apps

MacPowerUsers podcast logo

In the latest episode of their excellent MacPowerUsers podcast, David Sparks and Stephen Hackett dive deep into the field of applications for serious research which includes, of course, DEVONthink. And Kerry Dawson explains on Tech Today Review why DEVONthink is indispensable for his work. (more)