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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

April 3, 2012

Exclude Items from Classification

Last week we explained why one could want to exclude groups or even whole databases from tagging in DEVONthink or DEVONnote. In addition both groups and documents can be individually excluded from classification, see-also, and search. Nice, but why would you do such a thing? (more)

March 29, 2012

Champagne for Us, 25% Discount for You

Ten years ago, on March 31, 2002, DEVONtechnologies opened its shop doors and we sold the very first license of DEVONthink 1.0. And we enjoyed every year since creating great software for great people — like you. (more)

March 28, 2012

Why Excluding a Group from Tagging Can Be Useful

DEVONthink and DEVONnote treat groups and tags, basically, the same but display them different. That means that if Exclude Groups from Tagging is unchecked in a database’s properties, the group(s) in which an item is filed also appear as tag(s) attached to it. When assigning tags to an item other groups are proposed as tags while you’re typing. If you like this behavior you can quickly file a document in multiple groups and later find them either by their tags or in the respective groups representing the tags. (more)

March 12, 2012

Clean Up Web Pages Before Printing

If you’re often “printing” web pages as PDF to your DEVONthink database, you might enjoy the following hack: The little bookmarklet switches a web page shown in your web browser (definitely works with Safari and Firefox) to design mode, making it possible to edit it on the fly before printing. Edit as you like, the changes are, of course, not saved to the originating web server. Don’t worry, reloading the page brings it back in all its beauty. (more)

March 7, 2012

Ruby Instead of AppleScript?

All our apps are highly scriptable using AppleScript, OS X’s native scripting architecture for Cocoa applications. But if you’re more into Python and Ruby, you can use that, too. MacRuby and this thread in our user forum with example scripts on how to use Ruby to control DEVONthink Pro (Office) give you a hand up.

March 5, 2012

Use Tags Efficiently

While tags and groups are technically the same, their different way of presentation can be more flexible, especially in large DEVONthink knowledge collection spreading out in many directions. Using the tags bar (which you show and hide with View > Show/Hide Tags) you quickly add single tags to documents or remove them. Automatic completion makes adding already known tags easy. (more)

February 29, 2012

Spring Cleaning (Means: Updates, Updates, Updates)

Spring is in the air on the northern hemisphere, which means: time for some spring cleaning here at DEVONtechnologies: DEVONsphere Express is still new on the App Store and we’ve already submitted the second update. Not enough, we’ve also updated all our other applications, too, from DEVONthink and DEVONnote to DEVONagent and our freeware apps.