Nowadays, people often talk about data being “in the cloud” and they often ask or expect their DEVONthink databases to be online. But if your data is all in the cloud, have you ever wondered why there are still local folders on your machines? Let’s briefly discuss why decentralization is the model that DEVONthink follows. (more)
One of the fundamental strengths of DEVONthink is the various ways of organizing documents. But as the databases grow, you may find it a little harder to put your documents in the appropriate locations. Here are seven simple ways to move documents around inside their databases. (more)
Over the past year, academic life has gradually returned to campus, and part of a student’s or teachers’s everyday life is knowing how to organize themselves. Get our Mac apps with an exclusive 40% discount until September 11th, 2022. If this isn’t the best time in the year to get prepared, then when is? (more)
When it comes to email, most of us will have to admit we have way too much. If you’re an Apple Mail user and need to clean things up, smart mailboxes can help you keep things in order. Here is how you import these smart mailboxes to DEVONthink. (more)
Come in and take a seat. Or two. Actually, as many as you need for DEVONthink. This week only, from Thursday, August 11th, to Friday, August 12th, 2022, you can purchase additional seats at a 30% discount. If not now, then when? (more)
Many people use tags as a way to add some context to their documents. We have blogged on the subject more than once, but one option some people may not be aware of is nested (or hierarchical) tags. These are tags with child tags, or related tags within tags. Here’s how you can make and use them in DEVONthink. (more)
In a another post on smart rules, we discussed how to organize DEVONthink documents in an automated fashion. In this post we briefly touched on the File action, but some people have wondered why not just use the Move action. Here’s the difference between the two. (more)
Fabrizio works as a scientist and lives in Cologne, Germany, EU.
Within the past few months, a forum participant who goes by the handle @PixelTracker posted some useful DEVONthink scripts in the Automation section of our forums. A more recent set of scripts appeared on the forums and his blog, prompting us to ask, “Who is this person writing these scripts?” So we invited him to share some thoughts with us and all of you. (more)
Today’s maintenance release for DEVONthink for Mac provides some needed fixes, as well as a few additions and improvements. There are, for example, a new Link To context menu for Markdown as well as some enhancements to item links and metadata detection. But that is, of course, not all. (more)
When working in DEVONthink, it is not unusual to have more than one database open, navigating back and forth between groups. As you open, close, create, and edit documents, it’s not uncommon to eventually lose track of something. Fortunately, smart groups can help corral these files. (more)
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