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Articles tagged with devonthink

October 11, 2019

Take Control of DEVONthink 3

When we released DEVONthink 3 we told you that an updated edition of Joe Kissell’s popular ebook Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink would be in the works and that we’d make it available for free. (more)

October 2, 2019

DEVONthink 3.0.1

Our first update brings several improvements and fixes for DEVONthink 3. We recommend this free update to all users of DEVONthink 3. Get it directly by using the app’s update function or our Download page. You can find a longer description by choosing Help > Release Notes inside the application. (more)

October 1, 2019

How to Scan and Archive Email

As part of the unified interface of DEVONthink 3, some functions are now found in dedicated sidebars instead of opening separate windows. These sidebars are on the left side of every main window you open, and display an icon for each. (more)

September 25, 2019

How to Upgrade Promo Licenses

Our newly introduced user accounts list all your licenses as well as the upgrade options for them. But what if you purchased your license not from us but in a promotion, e.g., from MacUpdate Promo, StackSocial, or a bundle? No worries, you can, of course, upgrade too. (more)

September 12, 2019

DEVONthink 3.0 is Officially Here

End of April we released the first public beta of DEVONthink 3. Since then we published seven betas and received a lot of exciting feedback (as well as many less exciting bug reports). We used the time to iron out many of the unevennesses that accompany every major product upgrade and to fix the issues that you and we encountered. Today we finally released DEVONthink 3.0 officially. (more)

August 29, 2019

DEVONthink 3.0 Public Beta 7

The seventh public beta of DEVONthink 3 focuses on bug fixes and on compatibility to the upcoming macOS Catalina. It also improves updating items indexed on network volumes as well as the toolbar search and its interactions with other user interface elements. (more)

August 8, 2019

DEVONthink 3.0 Public Beta 6

While we’re approaching the final release, the sixth public beta of DEVONthink 3 brings further refinements including the ability to synchronize the Reading List and custom metadata definitions. The update also continues to fix bugs and improve the overall reliability and performance. (more)

August 6, 2019

Use Favorites in the Sorter

A great tip from our community user TomSLN:

Groups in databases can be flagged as favorites. Once flagged, the list of favorites appears at the top of the Sorter’s navigate list. This is an easy way to drag files into the Sorter and onto the desired group without having to navigate to the group in the database tree. (more)

July 23, 2019

Airdrop to Mobile

Suppose you’re working with a friend or colleague who isn’t running DEVONthink on her Mac (heaven forbid!). But they have a file you need and you have your iOS mobile device running DEVONthink To Go. Is there any way to get it transferred quickly and easily? (more)