Recently we have posted a tip abouthow to quickly create a table of contents). However, sometimes it’s necessary to update a table of contents manually. This short screen movie shows how it works. (more)
Zotero is a marvelous tool to use for capturing, managing and citing sources but once the notes and sources are in a Zotero library collection, moving them around inside it is a very clunky process. It can be done, but not easily. In order to organize my notes with ease and print the information out, I move copies of the notes from Zotero into DEVONthink Pro and do my sorting, organizing and printing there.” … (more)
DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.4 are available. They let you move new documents into your databases more quickly. Save yourself a lot of now superfluous clicks by dragging files or folders to the application with the ⌘ Command modifier key pressed. It imports them and trashes their originals in one go. (more)
DEVONthink and DEVONnote users tend to collect and organize excessively. This leads, inevitably, to databases with large amounts of items. A table of contents helps you stay ahead of the ever-growing pile. Select the documents for which you want to create a table of contents, then choose Data > Create Table of Contents. The application builds a nicely arranged rich text for you with links to all the other documents. (more)
Last week we’ve received this testimonial from a satisfied user that I have to share:
I teach a class on electronic discovery at a major law university in Michigan, USA, and I heavily use DevonThink Pro Office. Your software is insanely good for electronic discovery and lets us beat up on large law firms. It is kind of our secret weapon! — John Di Giacomo, Revision Legal, PLLC. (more)
Here’s a quick tip that is simple, but probably not so obvious. When you select Tools > Search or press Command-Shift-F in DEVONthink, it brings up the powerful Search window. Use the menu command or press the shortcut again and DEVONthink will open another search window. You can keep the results of one search while you start another, and another, … You can keep as many search windows open as you can mentally manage.
DEVONthink Pro (Office) lets you save files directly to the database using the watched Inbox folder. This folder is deeply buried in your Library folder but added to the Finder sidebar for easy access. It also appears in Open and Save dialog windows. (more)
Today our update to DEVONthink To Go 1.5.5 became available in the App Store. The new version fixes e.g. crashes connected to broken databases on the Mac or to exporting data to the iTunes document folders (emergency export). For example databases without a valid UUID (universally unique identifier) could crash DEVONthink To Go. Update your copy from within the App Store app on your device or through iTunes. (more)
When importing email, Apple Mail is going to provide the best performance as it supports native plugins. Other email applications require the use of Applescript to interact with DEVONthink and we can’t guarantee the performance, especially with large mailboxes. But if your email client supports an export to the UNIX .mbox format you can drag the exported .mbox file to the DEVONthink Pro Office dock icon to scan it for messages. (more)
Today we have posted DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.3 to our website and to the App Store. The improved classification algorithm in version 2.8.3 improves the accuracy of all AI-based functionality: See also, classify, concordance, automatic grouping, and summarizing. Working with documents can hardly be easier. (more)
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