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Articles tagged with devonthink

January 13, 2015

Extract Highlighted Text from PDFs

If you are working at lot with PDF annotations the Mac application Highlights is for you. You can use it not only to manipulate annotations but also to extract annotations from documents and send them directly to DEVONthink Pro (Office). In addition it offers plenty of more export options including sharing annotations by email and saving them as Markdown. (more)

December 30, 2014

Create Databases Always from Scratch

The name of your DEVONthink databases doesn’t really matter. While it matters to you in terms of helping you to identify what is in it, the real identity of the database is found in its UUID (universally unique identifier). You can think of it like your social security number (in the US) or your passport number. You could change your name, appearance, location, etc. but this number always represents me. (more)

December 23, 2014

Choose Your Import Location

We often have users asking this question: “I have a shortcut to the Global Inbox in the Finder’s sidebar. How do I get a similar shortcut to my other databases’ inboxes or groups?” The answer is, unfortunately, “You can’t, at least not easily”. (more)

December 2, 2014

Let DEVONthink Learn More File Formats

DEVONthink supports already a multitude of file formats from plain text to Markdown and PDF. For everything else it uses the available Spotlight metadata importers to extract text for its full-text index. Quick Look helps it to display a file’s contents on the screen. The true beauty of Spotlight and Quick Look lies in their plugin architecture. If there’s a plugin for a file format the system can search and preview it. And so can also DEVONthink. (more)

November 20, 2014

DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.2

We have just released DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.2 into the wild. DEVONthink 2.8.2 fully supports indexing files and folders stored in iCloud Drive. An additional script indexes all user-generated folders on iCloud Drive without manually adding folders or documents to the database. You can install it with a single click from the built-in Support Assistant. (more)

October 21, 2014

Index iCloud Drive with DEVONthink Pro (Office)

iCloud Drive is Apple’s reincarnation of the iDisk. Install the Index iCloud Drive script to add all user-created folders in iCloud Drive to your inbox. User-created means all folders that are not application-specific such as the Numbers of Pages folders. (more)

October 16, 2014

Ready for Yosemite: DEVONagent 3.8.2 and More

OS X Yosemite is peeking around the corner. Today we’ve released updates for DEVONagent Pro through Lite that get them ready for Apple’s newest iteration of its Mac operating system. In addition version 3.8.2 searches Baidu, the #1 search engine in China, and the Pro edition lets you easily share web content. Scanners in version 3.8.2 are more accurate and the new version better filters links to social media, e.g. retweets. (more)