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Articles tagged with devonthink

July 12, 2012

Steven Berlin Johnson Talk About His Writing Process…

… with Neal Thompson and mentions also DEVONthink. Neil about the interview:

Steven Johnson (author of “The Ghost Map”) visited a Seattle Barnes & Noble to discuss his latest book, “Where Good Ideas Come From.” I spoke with him afterwards about the rituals and routines of his daily writing life. The key? A big cup of coffee and 500 words a day. — Seattle, October 2010 … (more)

July 7, 2012

DEVONthink Pro Office on BBC

This weekend DEVONthink Pro Office is mentioned in BBC’s world-wide program “Click!”.

The promise we can all go paperless has been around for years so why is it that despite email, smartphones and computers we are all still so dependent on pen and paper? LJ Rich reports on how the experiment went to encourage the Click team to produce an episode of the programme without using paper. (more)

July 5, 2012

Two New Video Tutorials for DEVONthink Pro (Office)

We have added two new video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office: Structuring a Database and Grouping Tips & Tricks. You can find them in the support assistant that is built into DEVONthink (choose Help > Tutorials).

July 5, 2012

Using DEVONthink as Humanities Scholar

In the Academic Technology blog Evan Cordulack describes how he uses DEVONthink Pro Office for his research:

Its basic features allow me to organize my research in a way that lets me see big chunks of it at the same time from a variety of different groupings and view options. Once the sources are in Devonthink Pro Office, it largely gets out of the way so that I can focus interpreting the sources. The application’s ability to group, tag, and search documents as well as convert documents to full text makes it useful to me and has made my writing process easier. (more)

July 3, 2012

Make a Sophisticated Tickler File with Scripts

Many people who are using David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology are also using a tickler file. It consists of 43 folders, one for each month of the year and 31 for the days of the month, in which you keep documents that become relevant at a certain time. DEVONthink Pro already comes with some basic smart templates for this. Forum user Sampsa went a lot further and created a whole series of scripts that create the necessary group structure and even manage it. Documents previously filed for today are automatically moved into the Inbox by a script attached to an iCal alarm. (more)

June 18, 2012

First Batch of Video Tutorials for DEVONthink Online

Through the built-in Support Assistant we have offered slideshow-based tutorials for DEVONthink, DEVONnote, and DEVONagent Pro for a while now. Today I have added the first batch of video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro (Office). The tutorials explain step-by-step how to work with multiple databases in DEVONthink, adjust the database and import properties, and import and index files. Additional tutorials about tagging and using the smart A.I. features of DEVONthink are already in the works.

June 12, 2012

Export Note with Linked Documents

If you send e.g. a rich text document from DEVONthink or DEVONnote to someone else and the document contained links to other documents, the recipient will not be able to use the links as the other documents are missing. (more)

June 5, 2012

Even Better Mail Rule Script

If you like our mail rule scripts for emailing yourself documents and adding them to your DEVONthink inbox or databases, you will like this new script even more. Add it to a rule in Apple Mail and give the rule a distinct name. The messages will get files into a group of the rule’s name in DEVONthink’s global inbox and all attachments in a group with the message’s name. (more)

May 24, 2012

Tutorials, Mail Rules, Bug Fixes: DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.3.5

You didn’t know that there are step-by-step tutorials available right from inside our apps? You’re not alone and so we have made them more visible in DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.3.5 with a large button on the welcome screen and their own menu command in the Help menu. And if you fight the email flood with Apple Mail rules, you’ll like our new scripts for automatically archiving email attachments. Once set up you can email documents to yourself and have them automagically added to your inbox — and you have full control over which messages are processed and which not. (more)

May 1, 2012

Use Smart Groups for Reading RSS News

If you’re using DEVONthink Pro (Office) for reading your RSS feeds you need to select each feed that contains unread news to read the articles. To read all unread news in one place create a smart group that searches for items of kind ‘HTML Page’ with the ‘Unread’ flag switched on. It shows a blue blob as its icon indicating that it’s a smart group looking for unread items.